(a)   Fees. An Application for a certificate of occupancy shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee determined by the square footage of the business establishment. For businesses of less than 5,000 square feet in gross floor area, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). For businesses of 5,000 square feet or more in gross floor area, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00), plus fifty cents ($0.50) per 100 square feet of gross floor area.
   (b)   Multiple Occupancy. The building owner of all multiple occupancy buildings shall notify the Building Commissioner upon any change of occupancy or use within the building.
(Ord. 93-98. Passed 10-27-98.)
   (c)   Changes; New Certificate of Business Occupancy. If there is a change in the occupancy of any building or portion thereof, the certificate issued under the provisions of this Business Maintenance Code to the former occupant or owner shall become null and void as to the vacated business unit at the time such use is terminated. A new certificate shall be obtained by the new occupant or owner before the new business begins its tenancy or occupancy. Application for a new certificate for any business use shall be made before the new business use begins its tenancy or occupancy. The appropriate fee shall be paid upon application for each new certificate. Such new certificate shall expire on the same date as that of the certificate which it replaces.
   (d)   Change Approval. Any change in the nature or extent of the use or occupancy specified on the certificate shall render the certificate null and void upon the happening of such change. No such change is permissible under this Code unless such change has been approved by the proper City authorities pursuant to this Code, and unless a new certificate of business occupancy, incorporating such change, has been issued. Any such change, without the approval of the proper City authorities, will subject the owner, occupant, operator or agent to the penalty provided in Section 1372.99 .
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)