During the thirty-day period following the publication of notice of public hearing, the text or a copy of the text of such amendment or supplement, together with the maps or plans or copies thereof forming part of or referred to in such amendment or supplement, and the maps, plans and reports submitted by the Planning Commission, shall be on file for public examination in the office of the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 54-88. Passed 1-10-89. )
Within twenty days after such public hearing, Council shall either adopt or deny the recommendations of the Planning Commission or adopt some modification thereof. No such amendment or supplement which violates, differs from or departs from the recommendation of the Commission shall take effect unless passed or approved by not less than five members of Council.
(Ord. 54-88. Passed 1-10-89.)
(Ord. 54-88. Passed 1-10-89.)
An applicant for conditional zoning aggrieved by a decision of the Building Commissioner pursuant to Section 1183.03, may petition Council to review such decision.
(Ord. 54-88. Passed 1-10-89.)