Walls and/or landscaping shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of this chapter which apply to the district in which it is located.
   (a)    Whenever open or unenclosed off-street parking or loading facilities in multiple- family or nonresidential districts are located in required rear and side yards which are adjacent to single-family residential districts, an unpierced solid masonry wall shall be required in such multiple-family or nonresidential districts; provided, however, that a buffer strip of not less than thirty feet in width may be permitted in lieu of such wall upon a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the buffer strip would provide equal or greater protection to the single-family residential districts.
   (b)   Whenever multiple-family or nonresidential districts abut or are adjacent to single-family residential districts, without being separated by a street, and where the multiple-family or nonresidential district does not have the above described relationship where open or unenclosed parking facilities are located in required yards, there shall provided in the multiple-family or nonresidential district, a buffer strip of not less than thirty feet in width.
   (c)    Whenever in this Zoning Code, a solid, unpierced masonry wall or buffer strip is required and would thus be located within forty feet of a street intersection, the wall or buffer strip shall be angled or offset in such manner as to comply with the corner clearance provisions of Section 1173.02, and where the wall or buffer strip is required to be placed within forty feet of a street right of way, the Planning Commission or Council having site plan review may reduce the required height or waive the requirement upon a finding that the wall or buffer strip would constitute a traffic hazard.
      (Ord. 72-72. Passed 8-31-72.)
   (d)   On every lot in the O-S Office-Service District and B-1 Local Business District, a landscaped yard shall be constructed and maintained abutting the public right-of-way, except where interrupted by approved points of vehicular access, and shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   The yard shall be at least twenty (20) feet deep, measured perpendicular to the right-of-way;
      (2)   Wherever parking is located in the yard abutting the public right-of-way, an earth mound, masonry wall, natural rocks, or a combination thereof shall be constructed to a height of at least three (3) feet above street grade with location and orientation which screens the view of parked vehicles.
      (3)   At least one (1) tree and three (3) shrubs shall be installed for each twenty (20) feet of frontage on the right-of-way; and
      (4)   The landscape plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval. The Commission may approve variations to the above requirements for purposes of safety or practicality.
   (e)   The following standards shall apply in the B-1 District:
      (1)   At least twenty-five percent (25%) of any required front yard shall be landscaped.
      (2)   This landscaping requirement is necessary to maintain the transitional character of the area that this District is intended to preserve.
   (f)   The following standards shall apply in the B-2 District:
      (1)   Not less than five percent (5%) of the site, exclusive of buildings, shall be landscaped.
      (2)   This requirement is necessary to provide for the safety and welfare of pedestrians in large parking areas and to provide for effective traffic control regulations.
(Ord. 5-2007. Passed 3-13-07.)