(A) The Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Commission with regard to all of the powers, jurisdiction and authority vested in the Commission with regard to any issue before the Board concerning communications.
(B) The Board shall be vested with the general mission of reviewing the city’s cable television franchise agreement and the operation of the franchise and the compliance with the franchise agreement. The Board shall have the ability to work in conjunction with the city’s Cable Television Board.
(C) The Board shall make recommendations to the Commission on all matters of interest and concern regarding:
(1) Cable television to include the operations of the system;
(2) Working with the city code enforcement officer to offer recommendations on cell towers in compliance with the existing city ordinances;
(3) Working with the city’s network administrator to make suggestions on technology-based communications;
(4) Seeking input from the community on cable television programming and customer satisfaction;
(5) Making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on cable television offerings and informing the Commission on customer satisfaction;
(6) Exploring opportunities for the creation of a fiber-based municipal area network;
(7) Being an advocate for the improved communications in the city.
(D) The Board shall make recommendations to the Commission by setting forth in writing its findings of fact and recommendations. Such findings of fact and recommendations shall be considered by the Commission.
(E) The Board shall observe and follow all enactments and commitments made by the Board of Commissioners until such time as the same may be amended, modified or repealed.
(Ord. 03-44, passed 8-26-03)
Cable television franchise agreement, see T.S.O. VI