(A) The duties and responsibilities of the Downtown Revitalization Commission are to promote downtown Richmond revitalization and economic development through preservation of the city's historic resources and any other reasonable methods.
(B) Specifically the Downtown Revitalization Commission shall participate in the Kentucky Main Street Program as administered by the Kentucky Heritage Council (the city will participate in this program as long as grant monies are available). The Downtown Revitalization Commission shall recommend to the City Commission the hiring of a Main Street manager who will be guided by the program methods established by the Kentucky Heritage Council. The Main Street manager is a city employee, hired by city order and his duties are:
(1) Coordinates and implements Downtown Revitalization Commission's (RDRC) goals and objectives based on long-range plan to revitalize economic and physical aspects of downtown Richmond.
(2) Meet regularly with RDRC and committees.
(3) Communicates and coordinates all Main Street program activities with the city representatives, including City Manager.
(4) Coordinates activities with other city departments including the Tourism Department, Parks Department, and the Community Development Office and other governmental bodies.
(5) Develops annual operating budget with Finance Committee.
(6) Responsible for record keeping and budget implementation.
(7) Responsible for day-to-day administration of Main Street program, including preparation of required reports for city, RDRC, Kentucky Heritage Council (KHC) and the National Main Street Center.
(8) Attends and participates in manager training meetings sponsored by KHC.
(9) Manages all office procedures.
(10) Supervises part-time employees, consultants, student interns, and volunteers.
(11) Works with RDRC in developing short and long term schedule of projects, events and activities for Main Street program.
(12) Researches and prepares grant proposals and applications for city, state, federal and private funding, for various Main Street projects.
(13) Serves as primary spokesperson of RDRC in communications between city, business owners, property owners, financial institutions, civic organizations, schools and the general public and other institutions.
(14) Assists RDRC in developing strategies for historic preservation of buildings and physical improvements of public areas.
(15) Works with business and property owners in implementing projects.
(16) Researches and develops strategies concerning downtown economic development, in an effort to retain and recruit businesses in the downtown area, including recruitment packages, workshops, revolving loan funds, and the like.
(17) Assists the city and RDRC in the coordination of current and future downtown streetscape projects, including monitoring the status of projects, working with consultants, and assisting in the development of funding applications.
(18) Manages special new promotional activities and marketing events, including planning, budgeting, scheduling, promotion and advertising.
(19) Coordinates old promotional activities with the responsible department.
(20) Serves as media spokesperson for RDRC.
(21) Develops press strategies and prepares and distributes press material.
(22) Develops, writes and designs publications, brochures, newsletters and advertisements.
(23) Coordinates production and printing of published material.
(24) Conducts surveys and market research projects in order to track, store and maintain data applicable to Main Street program.
(25) Develops data base programs relating to market information, buildings, and renovation projects.
(C) The RDRC shall elect from its membership a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer and shall enact by-laws which must be approved by the City Commission.
(D) The RDRC is bound by all existing city ordinances and state laws including, but not limited to, open meetings laws and procurement laws. All contracts for the procurement of professional services, advertising services and promotional services shall be in the name of the city and recommendations for contract approval shall be made to the City Commission.
(E) The Commission's books shall be audited annually by a certified public accountant as part of the City Commission's audit.
(F) The RDRC shall prepare an annual budget which shall be approved by the City Commission. All accounts and finances shall be handled by the Director of Finance of the city.
(G) The city will provide the RDRC an office, telephone and utilities, office equipment, supplies and clerical personnel.
(H) In addition to the Main Street program the RDRC shall make other reasonable efforts at procuring grant monies and private contributions to accomplish its stated goals.
(Ord. 94-02, passed 2-22-94)