(A)   Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter, the total surface area devoted to all signs on any lot shall not exceed the limitations set forth in this section. Temporary signs shall not be included in this calculation. Freestanding signs, while included in this calculation, are subject to maximum sizes as contained in § 153.187.
   (B)   Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter or in §§ 153.105 through 153.121, the maximum sign surface area permitted on any lot in a residential zoning district is two square feet.
   (C)   Subject to the other provisions of this section, the maximum sign surface area permitted on any lot in an agricultural, residential, commercial, office and institutional, or industrial district as set forth in §§ 153.050 through 153.053 shall be determined as follows:
      (1)   There may not be more than one square foot of sign surface area per linear foot of street frontage up to 200 feet of frontage.
      (2)   There may be up to 0.25 square foot of additional sign surface area per linear foot of lot frontage in excess of 200 feet.
   (D)   If a lot has frontage on more than one street, then the owner shall designate which street frontage constitutes the primary street frontage of the property and shall receive 100% of the allowable sign surface area for that street. For that street frontage that is deemed to be secondary, the owner shall receive up to 50% of the total sign surface area for that street frontage.
   (E)   Whenever a lot is situated such that it has indirect street frontage by means of a private driveway providing public access to said lot from a public street, then the owner/developer of the lot shall be entitled to signage on said street frontage as if the lot directly abutted that public street. Frontage for such lots shall be determined by using the lot boundary line where the private driveway providing principal access is located, as well as any additional direct lot frontage that may exist. Indirect street frontage shall not be included as part of the total sign surface area calculation for lots that have direct frontage on the public street where the private driveway intersects.
   (F)   The sign surface area of any sign located on a wall of a structure shall not exceed 25% of the total surface area of the wall of a building from end to end.
(Ord. passed 4-9-2013; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021; Am. Ord. 2024-01, passed 2-20-2024)