(A) Water and sanitary sewer system. All lots in subdivisions not connected to the town or the county water system and/or any sewer system must have a suitable source of water supply and sanitary sewage disposal, which complies with the regulations of the appropriate permitting agency. Lots connected to private utility systems shall submit evidence authorizing the connection from the permitting agency.
(B) Storm water drainage system. The subdivider shall provide a surface water drainage system as it relates to streets and constructed to the standards of the State Department of Transportation, as reflected in the Handbook for the Design of Highway Surface Drainage Structures (1973), subject to review by the town's consulting engineer.
(1) No surface water shall be channeled or directed into a sanitary sewer.
(2) Where feasible, the subdivider shall connect to an existing surface water drainage system.
(3) Where an existing surface water drainage system cannot feasibly be extended to the subdivision, a surface drainage system shall be designed to protect the proposed development from water damage.
(4) Surface drainage courses shall have side slopes of at least three feet of horizontal distance for each one foot of vertical distance, and courses shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the drainage area without flooding, and designed to comply with the standards and specifications for erosion control of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act, G.S. Ch. 113A, Art. 4, and the State Administrative Code Title 15, Ch. 4, and any locally adopted erosion and sedimentation control ordinances.
(5) The minimum grade along the bottom of a surface drainage course shall be a vertical fall of at least one foot in each 200 feet of horizontal distance.
(6) Streambanks and channels downstream from any land disturbing activity shall be protected from increased degradation by accelerated erosion caused by increased velocity of runoff from the land disturbing activity in accordance with the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act, G.S. Ch. 113A, Art. 4, and the State Administrative Code Title 15, Ch. 4.
(7) Anyone constructing a dam or impoundment within the subdivision must comply with the State Dam Safety Law of 1967 and the State Administrative Code Title 15, Subch. 2K.
(8) In all areas of special flood hazards, all subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage. Storm water drainage as it relates to runoff shall be controlled on site without the benefit of engineered systems which require intensive maintenance by the property owner. Consequently, the maximum lot coverage as provided for in the Town's Zoning Ordinance shall be adhered to in order to contain storm water runoff.
(9) When there is a natural stream traversing property subject to this chapter and beavers and/or animals which may cause a problem (flooding) are present, the developer shall take whatever measures necessary to eliminate the animals in accordance with the law. Once every effort has been expended to eliminate the problem, the town will thereafter assume responsibility for problems created by indigenous wildlife.
(C) Street lights. All subdivisions in which the size of the smallest lot is less than 10,000 square feet shall have street lights installed throughout the subdivision in accordance with the standards approved by the Planning Board. The developer shall be required to pay to the electric company the cost of street lighting installation that exceeds four times the continuing annual revenue. If underground wiring of street lighting is requested by the developer or the town the developer may be required to install all fixed items such as conduit, pads, manholes and pole foundations; the Town will own and maintain the said fixed items.
(D) Underground wiring.
(1) All subdivisions in which the smallest lot is less than 40,000 square feet shall have underground wiring. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Board if underlying rock is less than four feet from surface, in areas where soils have a high water table, or if there is extensive preexisting overhead wiring on the street in the immediate neighborhood of the subdivision. Such underground wiring shall be installed in accordance with the standards of Carolina Power and Light Company.
(2) The subdivider shall be required to pay the charges for installation of the underground service, which charges will be made in accordance with then effective underground electric service plan as filed with the State Utilities Commission.
(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no developer or builder shall be required to bury power lines meeting all of the following criteria: (a) the power lines existed above ground at the time of first approval of a plat or development plan by the town, whether or not the power lines are subsequently relocated during construction of the subdivision or development plan, and (b) the power lines are located outside the boundaries of the parcel of land that contains the subdivision or the property covered by the development plan.
(Ord. passed 11-21-2000; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)