155.01 Purpose.
155.02 Definitions.
155.03 Public Tree and Landscape Commission.
155.05 Damage to trees and shrubs.
155.06 Fastening materials to trees and shrubs.
155.07 Public utilities.
155.08 Planting, removal, maintenance and protection of trees and shrubs.
155.09 Power to plant, remove, protect and maintain trees and shrubs.
155.10 Public nuisance.
155.11 Abatement of nuisance.
155.12 Interference with Village Service Director.
155.13 Authority of Village Service Director to enter private premises.
155.14 Appeal from order of the Village Service Director.
155.15 Landscape Plan.
155.16 Streetscape plan.
155.17 Arboricultural specifications and standards.
155.18 Unauthorized tree removal or destruction.
155.19 Severability.
155.20 Cost of planting, removing, maintaining and protecting trees, shrubs and flora.
155.21 Contract and consulting services.