(a) Appointment. The Village of Richfield Public Tree and Landscape Commission is composed of a five-member body appointed and serving as outlined in Resolution 29-1993.
(b) Powers and Duties. The Public Tree and Landscape Commission shall have the following general powers and duties:
(1) To recommend to Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission a streetscape tree and shrub planting and maintenance plan for the public ways of the Village.
(2) To recommend to Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission landscape plans for the public areas of the Village.
(3) To recommend to Council applications for grants and financial assistance from outside sources.
(4) To enlist the volunteer help of community organizations and individuals within the Village.
(5) To establish a computer program that will aid the Service Director in the ongoing maintenance of the trees and shrubs.
(6) To enlist qualified Service Department personnel to attend meetings and maintain a computerized inventory and maintenance program on the trees and shrubs to aid the Service Director in the ongoing plantings, maintenance, removal of public plants. Specifications for qualifications of Service Department personnel shall be established by the Public Tree and Landscape Commission.
(7) To advise and offer professional guidance to the Service Director through the attending personnel and written work recommendations passed by the Public Tree and Landscape Commission.
(8) To advise the Park and Recreation Board in species selection of trees, shrubs and flora within the public parks of the Village.
(c) Reimbursement of Expenses. The Chairman of the Tree Commission shall be reimbursed for expenses in an amount not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each regularly scheduled meeting attended. All other board members shall be reimbursed for expenses in an amount not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) for each regularly scheduled meeting attended.
(Ord. 59-2009. Passed 11-3-09.)