(a)   Full-time employees who serve in the U.S. Military Reserve are entitled to a leave of absence from their respective duties without loss of seniority for a period of one year or in case of declaration of war emergency, for the duration.
   (b)   Full-time employees who serve in the Military Reserve shall be entitled to receive the difference between the pay received from the Federal Government for on-field training or active duty periods not to exceed twenty-five days in any one calendar year, and the regular pay from the Village. However, if such employees use their vacation time for their reserve training period, they shall receive from the Village their full pay for that period of time not to exceed twenty-five days per year.
   (c)   Special Leave With Pay.   Upon approval of the Mayor, an employee may be granted special leave with pay to attend professional and technical conferences, meetings, and schools related to employment duties or to visit other municipalities to obtain information and observe practices relating to his duties.
   (d)   Special Leave Without Pay.   Leave without pay may be granted by the Mayor in case of emergency but only if the employee's absence does not materially affect the operation of his department and the circumstances warrant such leave.
   (e)   Pregnancy Leave.   Pregnancy leave, for purposes of this chapter shall be treated as sick leave and employees shall be entitled to pay in accordance with Section 153.07. However, in addition to the rights created in Section 153.07, a pregnant employee shall be entitled to receive time off from work, in grade for a maximum period of thirty days pre-birth and forty-two days post birth without loss of the appointment; provided, however, that the employee shall have provided satisfactory medical evidence to the department head showing a medical need for such time off from work. On return, the employee shall also provide satisfactory medical evidence such employee is able to perform the duties of the appointment.
   (f)   Jury Leave. A permanent full-time employee who is called for jury duty shall be reimbursed for the difference between his jury pay and his regular wages. Time spent on jury leave shall not be deducted from an employee's sick leave or annual leave.
(Ord. 6-1981. Passed 2-3-81.)