(a)   All required parking which is to be enclosed shall be enclosed in garages with permanent roofs, continuous foundations, concrete floors and exterior walls pierced only by windows and doors.
   (b)    Multifamily buildings shall have a variety of wall planes and gable-type roofs to provide a residential character to the buildings compatible with single-family homes in the Village.
   (c)   All roof eaves shall be provided with gutters and downspouts, which are connected to an approved storm sewer, drain or ditch.
   (d)   All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with bituminous or concrete designed and improved with catch basins, positive drainage and curbing where serving more than four dwelling units.
   (e)   Buffering and landscaping of sufficient size, type and density shall be planned and installed to visually separate multifamily developments from other zoning districts and uses.
   (f)   All trash storage shall be enclosed in a four-sided enclosure and screened from view.
   (g)    All multifamily development shall provide safe, accessible and well lighted driveways, parking areas, sidewalks, recreation areas, stairs and entrances.
   (h)    Apartment buildings shall contain no more than 12 dwelling units per building. Attached single-family and townhouses-type buildings shall contain no more than four dwelling units per building.
   (i)   All other standards as provided in Section 1171.11 (c) of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)