(a)   Review by Staff and Consultants. The application shall be referred to Village Departments and to the Village Engineer and other Village consultants for review and comment.
   (b)   Review by Commission. The Commission shall review the complete application package as transmitted by the Zoning Inspector in terms of the standards established in this Zoning Code. If deemed necessary, the Commission or Zoning Inspector, with notice to the applicant, may refer an application to other qualified consultants for review. All costs associated with outside consultant reviews shall be at the sole expense of the applicant. Zoning certificates will not be issued by the Zoning Inspector until all such costs are paid in full to the Village.
   (c)   Building and Site Design Standards. In addition to all other applicable standards in this Code, and the Village's Technical Design Standards, applicants are required to meet these minimum thresholds and are encouraged to exceed them as the design evolves. The Zoning Inspector and Commission shall be guided by the following standards in reviewing each application for a zoning certificate:
      (1)   Materials shall be appropriate for the use of the building, for weathering and for relationship to other materials including those used on adjacent buildings. Unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission on an individual basis (such as in a "high style" contemporary/modern design), exterior finish materials shall not terminate at outside corners and shall be of consistent character and level of finish at all building elevations. Surrounding context will also be taken into consideration by the Zoning Inspector and Commission on a case-by-case basis.
      (2)   Unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission, non-residential buildings shall be clad in masonry materials. Four-inch split-faced block is acceptable, with eight-inch split-faced block only permissible on side or rear building elevations (unless facing a street).
      (3)   Colors and textures shall be appropriate for the size and scale of the building, for weathering, and for relationship to the site and adjacent buildings. The use of a single color on homes in a subdivision is not permitted.
      (4)   Architectural details and ornaments shall be meaningful to the overall design, and appropriate for the size and scale of the buildings, and for weathering. Architectural details, ornaments, finishes, fenestration quality (and quantity where feasible and practical), design intent of massing/scale/depth/shadow shall be of consistent character, intent, and appearance for all sides of the building, whether or not visible from a dedicated roadway. The articulation of facades and the attentive massing of structures give them relief, richness, visual interest, and scale and are required. Long, uninterrupted exterior walls devoid of detail, fenestration, and articulation should be avoided. The use of augmented levels of fenestration at principal facades is encouraged.
      (5)   Accessory buildings shall be compatible in design and materials as the main structure. The ground floor area of an accessory building cannot exceed 75% of the area of the ground floor area of the principal structure. In no case shall the total area of an accessory structure exceed the area of the principal structure. Accessory buildings cannot be located or constructed on a property without a principal structure.
      (6)   Mechanical equipment shall be considered as it affects rooftop appearance, sidewall openings, sound levels, smoke and other nuisance aspects; and as it related to overhead wires, gas and electric meter stations and any other visible appurtenances. Rooftop-mounted mechanical equipment shall be set back from building edges. Where visible from viewpoint origins as determined by Zoning Inspector and/or Commission, mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Mechanical equipment screens shall be compatible in design and materials to the main structure.
      (7)   Approaches, drives and parking areas shall be considered as they affect the appearance from the street and from the site, as well. The relationship of paving to the building shall be appropriate considering factors such as safety, drainage and landscaping.
      (8)   All non-residential drives and parking areas shall be paved with concrete or bituminous concrete or other hard surfaced materials. Chip and seal is not permitted for non-residential drives and parking areas. Drives and parking areas can be constructed using permeable materials such as brick pavers, concrete and asphalt.
      (9)   Landscaping shall be appropriate for the size and use of the area, and for its relationship to building, street, parking area, walks and adjacent buildings. Yards shall be landscaped and maintained with grass, trees, and shrubs. In non-residential zoning districts parking in front of a building shall be appropriately screened with shrubs, trees or landscaped earthen mounds.
      (10)   Security fences, i.e. chain-link fencing shall not be permitted in the O/LI or I Districts in front of any building or other side yard setbacks of a corner lot. Security fences shall be appropriately screened with trees and shrubs from a public street. Security fences (other than agricultural containment fences) are not permitted to be electrified by any means.
      (11)   All trash containers and trash storage areas shall be screened with a six-foot high masonry enclosure on three sides and a board-on-board gate on the front. In the Industrial District, all outside storage areas shall be enclosed and screened from the view of adjacent properties.
      (12)   Lighting shall be considered for the appropriateness of nighttime illumination of the grounds, drives, walks, parking areas, the building and its affect upon surrounding areas. Lighting shall conform with the standards set forth by the International Dark-Sky Association (or reasonable equivalents).
      (13)   Signs shall be considered for appropriateness of size, scale, shape, color and illumination in relation to building and site.
      (14)   Buildings adjacent to Interstate highways shall be designed and landscaped to be visually attractive as seen from the highways.
      (15)   The application shall comply with all relevant land planning and zoning regulations, standards and criteria.
      (16)   The development shall be coordinated and integrated with the surrounding natural and man-made features.
      (17)   The development shall be coordinated and integrated with the surrounding development considering both site development and architecture. The developer shall be required to conform to any local plans for the area established by the Commission.
         (Ord. 13-2019. Passed 7-2-19.)
   (d)    Modifications Permitted in Residential Districts. Where application of a provision in the code would result in a development that, in the opinion of the Commission, would not be satisfactory for the zoning district the Commission may require adjustments in the development plan (such as improvement to the design and arrangement of buildings, yards, on-site circulation, access drives, and such other features as fences, planting or other landscape feature) to further improve the proposed development and to protect the surrounding developments.
   (e)    Modifications Permitted in Commercial and Industrial Districts. The Commission may make adjustments to certain yard requirements in order to attain greater openness and other amenities by skillful design in the arrangement of buildings, the layout of drives, on-site circulation and parking areas and the design of landscaping or other site features provided:
      (1)   The total yard area of the lot shall be not less than required under the zoning district regulations;
      (2)   The maximum percent of the lot occupied by buildings shall not be in excess of that permitted in the zoning district;
      (3)   The required percent of lot to be landscaped shall not be reduced;
      (4)   Front yards of buildings may be reduced by not more than 50% of the required distance;
      (5)   Side or rear yards of a one or two story building may be reduced by not more than 50% of the required distance but not less than 15 feet only when adjacent to non-residential districts;
      (6)   Front yards of parking areas may be reduced by not more than 50% of the required distance but not less than 25 feet;
      (7)   Side or rear yards of parking areas may be reduced to five feet only when adjacent to non-residential districts. Elimination of side or rear yards may be permitted when adjoining an existing or planned parking area in a non-residential district.
   (f)   Action by Commission. The Commission shall take action on the preliminary development plan within 45 days from the date of the Commission meeting at which all required plans and data were received. The Commission may approve the preliminary development plan as submitted, table the plan as submitted, approve the preliminary development plan as modified and agreed to by the applicant, or not approve the preliminary development plan as submitted.
(Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)