(a) Permitted Uses.
(1) Single-family dwellings, as regulated by the R-2 District regulations.except as otherwise regulated in this Chapter 1130.
(2) Detached single-family residential dwellings on separate one-half (0.5) acre lots.
(b) Conditionally Permitted Uses.
(1) Detached single-family cluster dwelling units in a planned unit development (PUD) subject to Section 1130.15.
(2) Attached single-family dwellings in buildings of two to four dwelling units in a planned unit development (PUD) subject to Section 1130.15.
(3) Senior Housing single-family cluster dwelling units, detached or attached, designed for use of senior citizens of 55 years of age or older subject to Section 1130.15
(5) Government owned and/or operated parks, playgrounds and golf courses (except miniature), subject to Section 1173.09(b).
(6) Recreational uses other than those governmentally owned and/or operated such as swimming pools, golf courses, tennis clubs and riding academies, subject to Section 1173.09(b).
(7) Government owned and/or operated buildings and facilities other than those listed above, subject to Section 1173.09(b).
(c) Accessory Uses.
(2) Home occupations, subject to the following conditions:
A. Such use shall be conducted entirely within and/or from the dwelling, and no use of any accessory building or yard space shall be permitted.
B. Such use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes.
C. Such use shall be conducted only by persons residing in the dwelling unit.
D. Such use shall not involve the use of more than 33 1/3% of the floor area of the dwelling.
E. Such use shall not create a nuisance by reason of noise, odor, dust, vibration, fumes, smoke, electrical interference or other causes.
(4) Private recreational facilities for the residents of the dwellings.
(5) Swimming pools as regulated in Section 1181.17.
(6) Fences, walls, hedges as regulated in Section 1181.13.
(7) An accessory building is permitted on lots of single-family detached dwellings containing not less than one-half (0.5) acre in area provided such buildings do not include any activity conducted as a business and provided further the total area of such building shall not exceed 1% of the area of the lot.
(Ord. 7-2016. Passed 3-15-16.)