Fences, walls, columns and/or hedges may be permitted in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard, subject to zoning permit requirements provided in this Code.
   (a)   Front and Front Sides. Fences, walls, columns and/or hedges along the sides (but not the front edge), of any front yard shall not be over three (3) feet in height from the property edge closest to the road or street to the front building line of the principal building, when located perpendicular to the road or street. When a fence located along the front edge of the front lot line connects to a fence located along the side edge of a side yard, the front yard fence along the road shall transition to three (3) feet in height at the connection with the side yard fence.
      Fences, wall, columns and/or hedges that are erected as a landscape/design feature and located along front edge of a yard, and parallel to the road or street, can be up to six (6) feet in height so long as they do not create a sight obstruction as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning or his/her designee. Generally, the diagram below provides example of a scenario in which a fence may be deemed a sight obstruction.
      Columns and access gates (inclusive of lights, ornamental features and structural elements) located on either side of a driveway can be up to eight (8) feet tall as a means to demarcate the entrance to the property, so long as they do not create a sight obstruction as determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning or his/her designee.
   (b)   Rear and Rear Sides. Fences, wall, columns and/or hedges may be permitted along the rear, side and/or rear lot lines to a height of not more than six (6) feet above the grade in residential zones, and ten (10) feet above the grade in all other zones, provided that at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the vertical surface of any fence or wall shall be open to light and air, that any fence, wall, column and/or hedge shall be well maintained, harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing character of the immediate area in which it is to be located, and not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses. However, informal planting may be higher than six (6) feet. Solid walls, columns, and fences that do not maintain at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the vertical surface open to light and air shall conform to all required setback lines for yards.
   All lighting associated with fences, walls, columns and/or hedges must be shielded and located in a such a manner as to not intrude onto the public road or streets and adjacent/nearby properties. Said lighting shall also be compliant with the International Dark-Sky Association, or equivalent. The Director of Planning and zoning is authorized to require a photometrics plan if he/she believes the lighting is intrusive and does not comply with this requirements of this Code.
(Ord. 9-2022. Passed 5-17-22.)