A user charge shall be assessed each user in accordance with the volume of wastewater used (metered) or estimated (unmetered) and defined in the following paragraphs.
   The volume of wastewater from each user shall be subject to a user charge as follows:
   (a)   Charges for each regular billing during a calendar year shall be based upon the following values for that calendar year:
      (1)   Estimated total operation, maintenance and replacement expenses (Cto), which shall include expenses from the Village of Richfield and Cuyahoga County along with transport expenses through Cuyahoga County and excluding any expenses classified as reimbursable expenses;
      (2)   Estimated annual revenue from extra strength surcharges (Cs);
      (3)   Estimated administration and associated expenses for preparation and collection of billings (Cb);
      (4)   Estimated annual debt service charges (D);
      (5)   Estimated total water subject to sanitary sewer charges (Qt); and
      (6)   Rate for transport and treatment expenses from NEORSD (Rn), all subject to periodic but not less than an annual audit.
   (b)   The user charge per 1,000 gallons shall equal subsection (a)(1) hereof "estimated total operation, maintenance and replacement expenses" (Cto) plus subsection (a)(3) hereof "estimated administration and associated expenses for preparation and collection of billings" (Cb) plus subsection (a)(4) hereof "estimated annual debt service charge" (D) minus subsection (a)(2) hereof "estimated revenue from extra strength surcharges" (Cs) divided by subsection (a)(5) hereof "estimated water consumption subject to sanitary sewer charges" (Qt) plus subsection (a)(6) hereof "rate for transport and treatment expenses from NEORSD" (Rn), in 1,000 gallons. User charge =
Cto + Cb + D - Cs + Rn
Qt   in 1,000 gallons
   (c)   Each consumer unit shall be billed quarterly and shall be subject to a minimum charge corresponding to a wastewater volume of 10,000 gallons quarterly.
   (d)   In the event of a master meter serving more than one consumer, each consumer unit shall be subject to the minimum charge and be allowed a discharge of 10,000 gallons per consumer per quarter before additional volume charges shall apply.
   (e)   Formulas as contained in subsection 2.(b) hereof shall be subject to adjustment as necessary based upon annual audit of sewer revenue fund expenses.
      (Ord. 5-1991. Passed 1-17-91.)
   (f)   Commencing April 1, 2005 and until further change by the legislative authority of the Village of Richfield, the formulas as contained in paragraph 2(b) shall be suspended and in their place the user charge per MCF shall be as follows:
      (1)   $52.98 per MCF in 2005, which consists of $30.95 per MCF charged by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for transportation and treatment services and $22.03 per MCF charged by the Village of Richfield for the costs of operating and maintaining the sewer system.
      (2)   $60.93 per MCF in 2006, which consists of $32.60 per MCF charged by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for transportation and treatment services and $28.33 per MCF charged by the Village of Richfield for the cost of operating and maintaining the sewer system.
This user charge rate shall be subject to adjustment as necessary based upon annual audits of sewer revenue fund expenses and changes in rates for transportation and treatment expenses from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD). (Ord. 75-2004. Passed 4-5-05.)
   For those areas not served by a central water system and having no means to measure wastewater volume, a Table of Classified Uses has been developed and is included as Exhibit B-1. The assigned flows are totaled for each applicable sewer district and the values assigned shall be calculated with the appropriate value for the base unit - a single family residence. These values shall be included with the metered values to determine the total revenue/flow volume factors for the entire system. This data shall be utilized to prepare an annual user charge.
   All other aspects of the user charge system developed for metered customers are applicable for the unmetered users.
(Ord. 5-1991. Passed 1-17-91.)
   The user charge for each user in the Glencairn Subdivision and any other subdivision, developments or construction requiring extension of the Village sanitary sewer outside the boundaries of the Village shall be the user charge as established in Exhibit “B”, plus ten percent (10%). (Ord. 26-1995. Passed 8-1-95.)