(a) For the purpose of applying user charges and extra strength surcharges, all users of the wastewater treatment works shall be classified as a member of one of the following two user classes and are subject to the above charges. No user shall be excused from paying these charges.
(1) Residential
(2) Industrial
(3) Commercial/Retail
(4) Governmental/Institutional/Religious.
(b) An industry may be placed in the resident user class if the industry discharges primarily segregated sanitary wastes or primarily wastes from sanitary conveniences.
(c) Any industry, commercial/retail, or governmental/institutional/religious establishment whose wastes are not primarily sanitary wastes or not primarily wastes from sanitary conveniences shall be placed in the industrial user class.
(d) The placement of a user within the resident user class shall be as determined by the Administrator in accordance with the above criteria.
(e) Except as provided herein, no free service shall be permitted and no user shall be excused from paying the above charges. A “homestead exemption” of four dollars ($4.00) per MCF shall be granted to users of property within the Village if a homestead exemption has been applied for and granted by the Summit County Auditor for such property. In order to be eligible for this “homestead exemption,” the property owner must furnish to the Director of Finance, on an annual basis, forms from the Summit County Auditor verifying that the homestead exemption was granted for the property.
(Ord. 17-2008. Passed 3-18-08.)