(a) The owner of a vacant building shall register the building with the City of Reynoldsburg Designated City Official not later than ninety (90) days after any building in the City becomes a vacant or not later than thirty (30) days of being notified by a Designated City Official of the requirement to register based on evidence of vacancy, whichever event occurs first.
(b) For any abandoned real property subject to foreclosure that is located within the City of Reynoldsburg, the foreclosing entity shall register the abandoned property within thirty (30) days after the property becomes vacant when:
(1) The entity files a foreclosure action; or
(2) The entity accepts a deed in lieu of foreclosure; or
(3) The entity buys real property at a sheriff sale or accepts property as result of a government-insured mortgage or loan.
(c) The registration requirement of this section shall be in full force and effect ninety (90) days after the effective date of this chapter.
(Ord. 39-2020. Passed 5-26-20.)
(a) Every owner of a vacant property or foreclosing entity of a vacant property shall designate an agent who resides in the State who shall be responsible for the vacant property and who may accept service of process and official notices on behalf of the owner or foreclosing entity. An official notice or service of process issued to a designated agent shall be deemed as served or delivered upon the owner of record.
(b) The Designated Agent shall reside or maintain a principal place of business within twenty-five (25) miles of the vacant property. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure a timely response to any notice of violation.
(Ord. 39-2020. Passed 5-26-20.)
(a) A building under active construction/renovation and having a valid building permit(s) at the time of the initial inspection shall be exempt from the registration until the expiration of the longest-running currently active building permit.
(b) A building that has suffered fire damage or damage caused by extreme weather conditions shall be exempt from the registration requirement for a period of ninety (90) days if the owner submits a request for exemption in writing to the Designated City Official. The request shall include the names and addresses of the owner or owners, and a statement of intent to repair and reoccupy the building in an expedient manner, or the intent to demolish the building.
(c) A building that is for sale shall be exempted for a period of twelve (12) months from the start of the vacancy, provided that the owner submits proof to the Designated City Official of such listing and for-sale status.
(d) The Designated City Official shall have discretion to grant additional exemptions for any building and property for which there are no observable violations of the property maintenance code of the City and where circumstances justify such exemption.
(e) Any owner of a vacant building may request an exemption from the provisions of this chapter by filing a written application with the City who shall timely consider the same. In determining whether a request for exemption should be granted, the Designated City Official or designee shall consider the following:
(1) The applicant's prior record as it pertains to Property Maintenance Code Violations.
(2) The amount of vacant property the applicant currently has within the City of Reynoldsburg.
(3) The length of time that the building for which the exemption is sought has been vacant.
(4) The Designated City Official shall approve with conditions, or reject the completed application for exemption within thirty (30) days of receiving it.
(Ord. 39-2020. Passed 5-26-20; Ord. 106-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)
(a) Application for registration of vacant buildings shall be on forms provided by the Designated City Official and shall including, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Address of the vacant property;
(2) Name, address, telephone, and e-mail address, if applicable, of an individual owner, sole proprietor or a corporate officer or business representative of a corporation, trust or other entity capable of holding title, or foreclosing entity, if applicable;
(3) Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, if applicable, of the Designated Agent, who must be located in the State of Ohio; and
(4) Names and addresses of all known lien holders and all other parties with an ownership interest in the building.
(5) A vacant building plan as describe in Section 1399.08.
(b) No post office boxes shall be accepted as a legal address for purposes of this chapter.
(c) Registrations shall be retained by the City as a public record and made available to any other City department or public entity upon request.
(d) Every person required to register a vacant building shall complete a new application upon amendment or change of any required information.
(e) Upon sale or transfer of the property, the previous owner shall provide the Designated City Official with the name and contact information of the new owner so that they may complete a new application for certificate of registration.
(f) The failure of the owner of the vacant building to obtain a deed for the property or to file the deed with the County Recorder shall not excuse the property owner from registering the property.
(Ord. 39-2020. Passed 5-26-20.)
(a) Registration shall remain valid for twelve (12) months from the approved registration date. Should the property remain vacant upon the expiration of the initial registration, the owner or foreclosing entity shall complete another application to re-register the property and pay an escalating fee schedule as outlined in Section 1399.07.
(b) If the building is to remain vacant after twelve (12) months, the owner or foreclosing entity shall submit, in writing, an explanation how the building will remain secure, along with the procedure that will be used to maintain the property, and the reasons why the building will be left vacant.
(c) Once a registered property is sold and the deed is transferred into a new owner's name, the new owner or foreclosing entity must submit in writing to have the property removed from the registry.
(Ord. 39-2020. Passed 5-26-20.)