In cases where it is deemed that hardships, topography or other factual deterrent condition prevail, variations and exceptions from the dimensional standards and improvement requirements as set forth in the Subdivision Regulations may be recommended by the Planning Commission, but must be approved by Council.
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Subdivision Regulations, a proposed division of a parcel of land along an existing public street, whether the parcel to be divided fronts on the street or has access to it by private right-of-way or private driveway, not involving more than five (5) lots after the original tract has been completely subdivided, may be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval without plat. If the Planning and Zoning Administrator, acting on behalf of the Commission, is satisfied that the proposed subdivision complies with all applicable platting, subdividing or zoning regulations, they shall approve the proposed subdivision and, on presentation of a conveyance of the parcel, shall stamp the same “approved by the Planning Commission; no plat required.” The Planning and Zoning Administrator may require the submission of a sketch and such other information as is pertinent to determining compliance with this section. No building, structure or land shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located.
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)
(a) Sketch may be Submitted for Suggestions. The owner of land who desires to subdivide it shall submit a sketch of the plat to the Planning Commission for its comments and suggestions. The owner can then make such corrections and changes as agreed upon before preparing and submitting his preliminary plat for consideration.
(b) Copies of Preliminary Plat To Be Submitted. The owner of land who desires to subdivide it shall submit six (6) copies of a preliminary plat along with six (6) copies of a general layout of all site improvements to be installed on the entire tract of land to be developed even if the owner or developer only intends to initially develop only a part of the tract, to the Planning Commission twenty-one (21) days prior to a regular meeting of the Commission. A copy of the general layout of all site improvements attached to a copy of the plat shall be in the possession of each member of the Commission for a minimum period of seven (7) days before consideration for approval.
(c) Fees. A fee shall be paid at the time of submission of the preliminary plat as stated in this Code.
(d) Contents of Preliminary Plat.
(1) The preliminary plat shall contain the following, and be prepared by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Ohio:
A. The scale, with a minimum of one (1) inch to equal one hundred (100) feet;
B. The proposed name of the subdivision;
C. Key map showing location within the City;
D. Names and addresses of owners, developers and the surveyor who made the plat;
E. Date;
F. North point; and
G. Legal description of parcel being subdivided.
(2) The following existing conditions shall be shown on the plat:
A. Boundary lines and approximate acreage included matching the provided legal description;
B. Locations, widths and names of all existing or previously platted streets or alleys, and proposed thoroughfare locations as shown on the official City Thoroughfare Plan, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, all section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract;
C. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground facilities within the tract, indicating pipe sizes, elevations and grades, if readily available, and locations, if known or available;
D. Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided and subdivided land;
E. Existing zoning restrictions;
F. Existing contours, with intervals of five (5) feet where the slope is greater than ten (10) percent and not more than two (2) feet where the slope is less than ten (10) percent;
G. Drainage channels, wooded areas, water courses and other significant physical features;
H. Existing and proposed easements.
(3) All elevations on the preliminary plat shall be based on NAVD (North American Vertical Datum) 1988 datum.
(4) The following proposed conditions shall be shown:
A. Layout of streets and right-of-way widths;
B. Layout, numbers and dimensions of lots including total square footage;
C. Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use;
D. Building setback lines shown graphically with dimensions;
E. Indication of any lot on which a use other than residential is proposed by the owner;
F. Names of new streets which shall not duplicate names of any existing dedicated street within the county and/or its incorporated areas;
G. New streets which are extensions of or in alignment with existing streets which shall bear the names of the existing streets of which they are extensions or with which they are in alignment;
H. Bearings and dimensions of lot, parcel, and right-of-way boundaries; and
I. Proposed landscaping, if any.
(5) All new streets shall be named in the following manner and shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission:
North and south | Streets | Places |
East and west | Avenues | Courts |
Diagonal | Roads | Ways |
Curving | Drives | Circles |
(6) The general layout of all site improvements attached to the preliminary plat shall be for the entire tract of property even if the owner or developer only intends to initially develop a part of the entire tract and such general layout is to provide for the extension of improvements to the boundary of the proposed subdivision to serve adjoining land.
(e) Approval of Preliminary Plat. When a plat is filed with the Planning Commission, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall examine it to determine whether or not it complies with the requirements of Section 1111.05
(a) through (d). The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall then refer the plat to the City Engineer. If the plat does not meet the requirements, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall return it to the owner who shall revise and refile it, and additional fees may apply. If the plat meets the requirements, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall lay it before the Planning Commission at its next meeting. The Commission shall thereupon examine it and approve it or conditionally approve it within thirty (30) days if it is satisfied that it complies, or will comply after minor changes, in all respects with this chapter. The approval or the conditions of approval of the Planning Commission will be indicated in writing on two (2) copies of the preliminary plat which will be returned to the owner and surveyor. The remaining four (4) copies bearing the notation of approval shall remain on file, available to the public. The approval of a preliminary plat shall be effective for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, unless extended by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)