Common Regulations   
1105.01   Off-street parking and loading.
1105.03   Signs.
1105.05   Accessory structures.
1105.07   Landscaping and buffering.
1105.09   Exterior lighting.
1105.11   Fences and screening.
1105.13   Supplementary use conditions.
1105.15   Telecommunications facilities.
1105.17   Conversion of dwelling units.
1105.19   Performance standards.
   (a)   Applicability. Except as otherwise provided herein, these regulations shall apply under the following circumstances:
      (1)   The construction of a new building or structure;
      (2)   The substantial expansion of an existing building or structure;
      (3)   A change in the existing use to be conducted upon land or in a building or structure; and
      (4)   Whenever a building or use is changed in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or in a manner which otherwise creates a need for an increase in the number of parking or loading spaces, such spaces shall be provided for the entire increased use in conformance with the requirements of this article.
   (b)   Parking Requirements in Olde Reynoldsburg Commercial District (ORD-C), Brice and Main District (BMD) and East Main District (EMD). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the parking requirements for any use conducted in the ORD-C, BMD, or EMD shall be determined based upon the applicable regulations set forth under Chapter 1105 hereof.
   (c)   Supplemental Parking Regulations in Residential Districts. The provision of parking space, either open or enclosed, for the parking or storage of vehicles in a residential zoning district for residential uses shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   Commercial vehicles. Trucks having dual tires on one (1) or more axles, or having more than two (2) axles, designed for the transportation of cargo and including tractor-trucks, trailers, and semi-trailers, shall not be permitted on a lot or parked on a street or alley in a residential zoning district.
      (2)   Parking of recreational equipment. The parking of recreational equipment and vehicles, including but not limited to travel trailers, motor homes, pickup campers, folding tent trailers, boats or boat trailers, and other similar recreational equipment and vehicles, semi-trailers, travel trailers, or other trailers or motor homes shall not be permitted on any street within the City, other than for the purpose of loading or unloading such equipment or vehicle. When located on property in a residential district for the purpose of loading or unloading, travel trailers, motor homes, boats or boat trailers, and other similar recreational vehicles shall not exceed a loading or unloading time of forty- eight (48) consecutive hours. Residents shall be permitted to park a maximum of one (1) recreational vehicle on property located in a residential district if such vehicle is located in an enclosed structure OR all of the following requirements are satisfied for a vehicle parked or store outside of an enclosed structure:
         A.   Such recreational equipment and vehicles shall be stored or parked at least three (3) feet from any dedicated right-of-way, walkway and/or property line.
         B.   Not more than one (1) item of recreational equipment shall be permitted to be stored outside on any property used for a residential purpose. All recreational vehicles must be registered and licensed (if applicable) to the resident of the property on which the items are parked or stored. For the purposes of this chapter, a boat stored on a boat trailer shall be deemed one (1) piece of recreational equipment.
         C.   Under no circumstances shall any recreational vehicle or equipment be occupied or used for living, sleeping, housekeeping, storage or business purposes.
         D.   No such recreational vehicle shall be parked in any manner in which such vehicle may be deemed, in the professional opinion of the Planning and Zoning Administrator, to obstruct the view of traffic in a manner that endangers the safety of motorists or pedestrians.
   (d)   Conversion of Use. No parking or loading space (including a residential garage) which is required by this Zoning Code shall be removed or converted to another use unless the parking or loading requirement is satisfied by the existence or construction of an additional parking or loading space conforming to this Zoning Code.
   (e)   Required Parking and Loading Spaces.
      (1)   Required parking spaces. Except as otherwise provided herein, the number of off-street parking spaces provided for a use shall not be less than set forth in the table identified as “Table 1105.01A: Required Parking Spaces.” The number of parking and loading spaces required for a use shall be as determined by the Zoning Administrator in conformance with the provisions of this Zoning Code.
      (2)   Requirements for unlisted use. For a use for which off-street parking requirements have not been specifically stated in this Zoning Code, parking and loading facilities shall be provided as determined by the Zoning Administrator to be sufficient for the parking and loading needs of the proposed use and structures, giving consideration to the following criteria:
         A.   The number of off-street parking spaces required for a use listed in the table that is the most similar to the proposed use in terms of anticipated parking demand;
         B.   The floor area of the proposed use;
         C.   The anticipated number of employees and patrons; and
         D.   Any evidence submitted regarding the parking demand for the same use on similar existing sites.
      (3)   Calculation for certain uses. For uses for which required parking is based on number of dwelling units, floor area, seats, or beds, the number of required parking spaces shall be determined from drawings provided by the applicant and may be further confirmed by measurement of the actual built floor area. When calculation of required parking results in a fraction, then the fraction shall be rounded to the next higher whole number.
      (4)   Calculation for mixed-uses. For properties having mixed or multiple uses, the number of required parking spaces shall be the sum of those required for the various uses computed separately, except as otherwise provided.
   (f)   Minimum Off-Street Parking Space Requirement Reductions.
      (1)   Minimum off-street parking space reduction standards. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 1105.01A may be reduced for a land use or land uses upon approval of an application demonstrating one (1) or more of the off-street parking space reduction conditions set forth under divisions (f)(2), (f)(5), (f)(6), or (f)(7) below; provided however, under no circumstances shall the cumulative reduction of minimum parking spaces exceed thirty (30) percent of the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for a land use.
      (2)   Shared parking plan. Where a mix of land uses on one (1) or more properties or within one (1) or more buildings can demonstrate parking utilization in staggered peak periods, a shared parking plan may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator to reduce the minimum number of required off-street parking spaces for the applicable land use(s). A shared parking plan for the reduction of off-street parking requirements may be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator subject to the following requirements:
         A.   Shared parking plans must incorporate parking facilities located within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property or subject properties; and
         B.   To the greatest extent practicable, adjacent lots included in a shared parking plan shall be connected for vehicular passage and shall provide safe and efficient pedestrian access to all uses served by the parking facilities.
      (3)   Review of shared parking plan. A decision pertaining to an application for a shared parking plan shall be based on the following factors:
         A.   The number of parking spaces otherwise required for the land uses that will share the parking facilities designated in the shared parking plan;
         B.   Documentation that the peak parking utilization for the land uses occurs at different days and/or times;
         C.   The demonstrated accessibility of the shared parking facilities; and
         D.   Such other relevant documentation as the applicant(s) may provide to the City in conjunction with a parking reduction application.
      (4)   Effect of approval of shared parking plan. When a shared parking plan application is approved, the modified number of required off-street parking spaces for the applicable land uses shall be the largest number of parking spaces needed for the applicable land uses during the most intensive time period of parking utilization as demonstrated by the evidence presented with the application.
      (5)   Auto-share parking spaces. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a land use may be reduced by up to four (4) off-street parking spaces for each off-street parking space that is reserved for auto-share parking; provided however the satisfaction of this parking reduction condition may not result in an off-street parking space reduction in excess of ten (10) percent. Auto-share parking spaces shall be designed in a plan to be submitted for review by the Planning and Zoning Administrator; such plan must propose how the auto-share parking spaces will be reserved for auto-share parking.
      (6)   Transit proximity. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a land use or land uses may be reduced by up to ten (10) percent if more than fifty (50) percent of the subject property is located within one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet of any public transit stop. If an existing transit stop is subsequently eliminated, any previously permitted parking reduction shall remain valid, provided that an active transit route remains within one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet of the development.
      (7)   Bike lockers and shower facilities. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a non-residential development may be reduced by five (5) percent if such development contains shower and clothing and bike locker facilities for bicycle commuting employees. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a multi-family development may be reduced by five (5) percent if such development contains interior bicycle parking for residents. In each case, the reduction shall apply only to that portion of the minimum off-street parking requirement attributable to the employees or residents that have access to the shower and locker facilities.
      (8)   Review and revocation. Upon the grant of a reduction in the minimum number of off-street parking spaces hereunder, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall periodically review the land uses associated with any approval to determine compliance with such approval. If the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines upon review of any approved application that the terms of any approved plan are not being complied with, then the Planning and Zoning Administrator may revoke such approval, and the applicable land use shall be required to satisfy the minimum off-street parking requirement otherwise set forth under Table 1105.01A hereof.
   (g)   Parking and Loading Design Standards.
      (1)   Location. A parking space required for a dwelling unit shall be provided on the same lot as the dwelling unit. The standard size for a parking space installed in accordance with these provisions shall be nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet. A parking space required for a use other than a dwelling unit shall be located on the same lot as the use, except that some or all of such required spaces may be located on another lot within three hundred (300) feet of the use if authorized in the approval of the site plan. Parking or loading facilities shall not be permitted on the right-of-way of any publicly dedicated thoroughfare, except as provided by a public authority.
      (2)   Setbacks. Off-street parking and loading facilities, with the exception of driveways leading from the public right-of-way to aisles or spaces, shall be located as follows:
         A.   Required unenclosed parking spaces for attached single-family, detached single-family, two-family, and multi-unit dwellings may be provided on paved areas within the front yard required for such structure. Parking shall not be permitted on unpaved areas;
         B.   No part of any parking lot shall be located closer than five (5) feet to a public right-of-way;
         C.   Parking may be located in the required front yard in any industrial district, but not closer than twenty (20) feet to a public right-of-way;
         D.   In any commercial district, parking shall not be located in the area between the frontage and the front setback. The area between the frontage and the front setback shall be improved as a grass and or planting area. Ingress and/or egress through this planting area shall be restricted to a driveway or driveways not to exceed thirty (30) feet in width. Under no circumstances will service roads and or driveways parallel to the right-of-way be permitted, the grass and/or planting area and driveways are to be made a part of the plot-grade-utility plan and are to be approved by the Service Director and City Engineer.
      (3)   Screening. Any parking lot which contains more than ten (10) parking spaces and which is located closer than fifty (50) feet to the lot line of any lot which is used for a dwelling, school, hospital, or other institution for human care shall be screened by a fence, wall, or hedge of acceptable design installed at each edge of the parking lot which faces the use noted above. Such fence, wall, or hedge shall be no less than four (4) feet nor more than six (6) feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon. The space between such fence, wall, or hedge and the lot line of the adjoining premises shall be landscaped with grass, hardy shrubs or evergreen ground cover and maintained in good condition.
      (4)   Access. Adequate ingress and egress from the public right-of-way and within the lot shall be provided for all parking and loading spaces. Access for all parking and loading facilities (except those required for attached single-family, detached single-family and two-family dwellings) shall be designed to permit any vehicle entering or leaving the premises to be traveling in a forward motion. Driveways shall be located to minimize conflict with vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the public right-of-way. Driveways and service roads shall not be located parallel to the right-of-way. Driveways for non-residential uses shall not exceed thirty 30) feet in width at the right-of-way line nor more than thirty (30) feet at the curb cut line of the street unless otherwise approved by the individual or administrative body reviewing the site plan for the subject property.
      (5)   ADA requirements. All parking facilities that require accessible parking spaces shall ensure that a portion of the total number of required parking spaces are specifically designated, located, and reserved for use by persons with physical disabilities, in accordance with the standards in the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The following standards apply:
         A.   The closest parking spaces to the main entrance shall be devoted to the required accessible parking spaces; and
         B.   At least one (1) accessible parking space shall be twelve (12) feet wide to accommodate an accessible van or paratransit.
13 ft.
20 ft.
Up to 50 degrees
13 ft.
22 ft.
50 up to 80 degrees
17 ft.
22 ft.
80 degrees or more
22 ft.
      (6)   Minimum aisle width. Minimum aisle width to access parking spaces shall be as follows:
         A.   Minimum aisle width (feet)
      (7)   Loading spaces.
         A.   Every building or lot used for non-residential purposes which customarily receives or distributes materials or services by motor vehicles shall provide sufficient space for all loading and service purposes. A loading space shall be provided as an area exclusive of required parking spaces, driveways, and aisles. Access to loading spaces shall be designed to prevent interference with the public right-of-way.
         B.   At least one (1) loading space shall be provided for every building having a floor area of up to ten thousand (10,000) square feet and one (1) additional loading space shall be provided for each additional ten thousand (10,000) square feet, or major fraction thereof.
         C.   Each loading space shall have minimum dimensions of twelve (12) feet in width, fifteen (15) feet in height and forty-five (45) feet in length for tandem trailers, or thirty (30) feet in length for two-axle trucks.
      (8)   Paving and improvements.
         A.   All required parking and loading facilities shall be paved with a durable, dust-free surface such as asphalt or concrete.
         B.   Parking facilities shall be designed to direct surface water into an adequate storm drainage system. Drainage of surface water onto adjacent properties, walkways, or public streets is prohibited.
         C.   Paint lines shall be installed and maintained to mark the locations of all parking and loading spaces. Wheel blocks shall be installed for all parking spaces which abut unpaved areas of a lot.
      (9)   Lighting. Lighting may be installed and arranged as to direct the light away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
   (h)   Maintenance of Parking Lots Required. All paved areas shall be maintained free of holes, litter, trash, and other debris. Within thirty (30) days of the date on which a non-residential use of a lot is terminated, the owner shall install a barricade at all points of vehicular access in a manner approved by the Zoning Administrator.
   (i)   Reserved Parking Lot. In conjunction with the site plan and design review, the applicable reviewing individual or administrative body may approve, upon request of the applicant and review of the site plan, construction of fewer parking spaces than required by Table 1105.01A for a proposed use and site development. In making such determination, the reviewing individual or administrative body shall nevertheless require that the additional area needed to accommodate the required number of parking spaces be reserved as landscaped open areas on the lot. The layout and design of the parking spaces, aisles, and drives of such reserved parking lot shall be indicated on the approved site plan and shall comply with provisions of this Zoning Code.
Dwelling - Attached Single-family
1 enclosed, 1 unenclosed
Dwelling - Detached Single-family
Dwelling - Two-family
1 enclosed space and 1 unenclosed space per dwelling
Apartments - 1 per unit plus 1 per each 5 units to accommodate visitors
Dwelling - Multi-Unit Building
Dwelling - Multi-Unit Building Complex
Dwelling - Assisted
1 per 8 beds plus 1 per employee based on the largest staff shift
Dwelling - Group
Dwelling - Nursing
Dwelling - Developmental Disability
Adult Day Care
1 per employee based on largest staff shift plus 10 for visitors
Child Day Care - Center
Child Day Care - In Home
Event Center - Private Events and Conferences
1 for each 4 seats in the main space
Event Center Public Meetings and Conventions
Religious Assembly
Beverage - Brewing and Distilling
1 for each 200 s.f. of floor area
Beverage - Distribution
Beverage - Non-Alcoholic Production
Food Service - Commissary/Bakery
Food Service - Processing
Food Service - Production
Beverage Sales - Liquor and Beer Sit Down/Bar Establishment
1 for each 200 s.f. floor area
Food Service - Deli
Food Service - Fast Causal Restaurant
Food Service - Full Service Restaurant
Food Service - Quick Serve/Fast Food with Drive Thru
Food Service - Quick Serve/Fast Food Without Drive Thru
Adult Oriented Businesses
Amusement Arcades
Antique Shop
Auction Facility
Bakery - Retail
Beverage Sales - Liquor Store
Clothing Services - Dry Cleaning with drive thru
Clothing Services - Dry Cleaning without drive thru
Clothing Services - Tailor
Financial Services and Banking - with drive thru
Financial Services and Banking - without drive thru
Food Sales - Farm Market
Gallery - Art
Garden Center - Indoor and Outdoor
Personal Care and Beauty Services
Retail - Large Format
Retail - Medium Format
Retail - Pharmacy
Retail - Shopping Center - Enclosed
Retail - Shopping Center - Outdoor
Retail - Small Format
Tattoo/Piercing Establishment
Food Sales - Large Format Grocery
1 for each 300 s.f. of floor
Food Sales - Small Format Grocery
Retail - Convenience with gasoline
1 per each 2 dispensing stations plus 1 per each 200 s.f. retail floor area
Retail - Convenience without gasoline
School - College/University
Determined by the Board but not less than 1 space per each 5 seats in the main assembly room or 1 space per each classroom
School - Primary
School - Secondary
School - Trade
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Health and Wellness - Clinic
Health and Wellness - Fitness Facility/Gym
Health and Wellness - Massage
Health and Wellness - Physical Therapy
Medical - Clinic
Medical - Emergency Services
Medical - Office
Medical - Outpatient and Urgent Care
Medical - Standalone Emergency Services
Medical - Full Service Hospital
1 per bed plus 1 per employee based on the largest staff shift
Medical - Psychiatric Facility - Standalone
1 for each 200 s.f. floor area
Live Theater
Movie Theater
Visual Arts Center
Manufacturing - Artisan
1 for each 200 s.f. of floor area
Manufacturing - Heavy
Mineral Extraction/Processing
Outdoor Processing - Agriculture
Outdoor Processing - Composting
Outdoor Processing - Concrete and Asphalt
Research Facility/Laboratory
Office - Corporate
1 for each 250 s.f. of floor area
Office - Data Processing/Call Center
Office - Professional Services
Printing and Publishing
Equipment Repair - Heavy
1 for each 500 s.f. of floor area
Equipment Repair - Light
Vehicular Care Services - Major
Vehicular Care Services - Minor
Vehicular Repair - Heavy
Vehicular Repair - Light
1 for each 3 patrons
Community Facility - Outdoor Recreation
Community Facility - Park
Community Facility - Golf Course
Outdoor Enterprise
Indoor Enterprise
Club - 1 for each 100 s.f. floor area
Recreation Facility - 1 for each 200 s.f. floor area
Private Club
Shooting Range - Indoor Only
Studio - Art
Studio - Gymnastics/martial arts
Community Facility - Activity Center
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Community Facility - Detention and Corrections
Community Facility - Government Administration and Courts
Community Facility - Public Health Safety
Overnight Lodging - Bed and Breakfast
1 per sleeping room or suite
Overnight Lodging - Boutique Hotel
Overnight Lodging - Hotel
Overnight Lodging - Limited Service
Overnight Lodging - Resort
Junk storage and sales
1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross building area
Storage - Contractor
Storage - Commercial Gases
Storage - Self-Store
Storage - Vehicular and Boat
Warehouse - Large Format
Warehouse - Small Format
Air Transportation Services
1 for each 1,000 sq. ft. of sales area
Vehicle Care Services - Washes
To be Completed
Vehicular Sales - Boats
1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross building area
Vehicular Sales - Automobiles
Vehicular Sales - Motorcycles
Vehicular Sales - Recreational Vehicles
1 for each 50 s.f. floor space
Temporary Uses
As determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 108-2020. Passed 12-14-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)
1105.03 SIGNS.
Olde Reynoldsburg Neighborhood District (ORD-N)
MU or NR
Olde Reynoldsburg Commercial District (ORD-C)
Brice and Main Street District (BMD)
East Main Street District (EMD)
Community Commercial (CC)
Residential Zones (SR and RM)
NE or NR
Innovation Zone (I)
Sign Key:
MU - Multi-Unit Development
NR - Non-Residential Develompent, excluding home occupation
NE - Neighborhood Entry Sign
   (a)   Purpose and Applicability. This section regulates the type, number, design, size, time of display, location, maintenance, and other characteristics of signs in order to: protect the public health, safety, and welfare in all zones and districts; promote clarity in sign communications; promote harmony between and among the physical characteristics of signs and the physical characteristics of surrounding land, structures, and other development features; and to promote attractive and orderly appearance in all districts. The provisions of this section shall apply to all existing signs, to all signs erected or installed after the effective date of this Zoning Code, and to any sign which replaces an existing sign or component thereof.
   (b)   Zoning Sign Permits Required. Every sign, except those specifically exempted by the provisions of this section, shall only be erected or installed subsequent to and in conformance with the provisions of a zoning sign permit issued by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall not be required to issue a zoning sign permit to any use or business that does not have a valid zoning certificate or that is otherwise not in compliance with the Zoning Code, Building Code or Property Maintenance Code. For the purposes of approving a sign in conformance with the Zoning Code, a zoning sign permit shall have the same effect as a zoning certificate.
   (c)   Signs Requiring Permits.
      (1)   Signs in zones and districts. Signs shall be permitted in the respective districts as established in Table 1105.03A : Permitted Signs and as further provided in this section.
      (2)   Signs in Olde Reynoldsburg Districts. Subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission, as applicable, in conjunction with the certificate of appropriateness process required under Section 1109.21 , signs shall be permitted in Olde Reynoldsburg Districts as established in Table 1105.03A and in conformity with the following specific provisions:
         A.   Residential signs – Olde Reynoldsburg Commercial District (ORD-C) and Olde Reynoldsburg Neighborhood District (ORD-N). One (1) monument sign per entrance may be located on a lot or lots within a multi-dwelling unit development within the ORD-C or ORD-N. When located in the public right-of-way, all such signs shall be subject to a perpetual maintenance agreement and shall not be internally illuminated.
         B.   Non-residential use or mixed-use signs – ORD-C. The following sign types shall be permitted to be displayed on structures or buildings utilized for non-residential or mixed- use purposes in conformity with the following specific provisions.
      (3)   Sign lighting. The following types of lighting shall be permitted in the ORD-C: exterior illuminated, gooseneck lighting, shadow lit, bulb surround – non-flashing or blinking, and bulb surround – flashing or blinking.
      (4)   Changeable copy types. The following changeable copy types shall be permitted in the ORD-C: channel letters.
      (5)   Principal signs. A maximum of two (2) of any combination of the following sign types shall be permitted per lot in the ORD-C in accordance with the following provisions:
         A.   Wall sign. One (1) wall sign may be erected on the wall of a building which most nearly parallels a street, parking lot or service drive, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The total permitted area for any wall sign is two (2) square feet per lineal foot of building façade or tenant space, as applicable. Any wall sign located in accordance with this subsection shall be attached parallel to the building wall, mounted on a raceway, or painted directly on a wall, provided no wall sign shall extend outward from the building wall more than twelve (12) inches. Where a building is located on a corner lot, one (1) additional wall sign may be permitted on both walls which parallel the intersecting streets. Wall signs shall be composed of wood or metal frames with a face of wood, metal or polycarbonate materials. Where a building is located on a corner lot, wall signs may be permitted on both walls which parallel the intersecting streets. Wall signs shall be composed of wood or metal frames with a face of wood, metal or polycarbonate materials.
         B.   Projecting sign. One (1) projecting sign constructed of wood or metal, including its mounting structure, may be mounted upon and be perpendicular to the wall of a building at a ninety (90) degree angle. The surface area of each face of such projecting sign shall be a maximum of six (6) square feet. It shall not project more than three (3) feet from the building façade, and shall not use a guy wire or angle iron support structure unless within the plane of the sign. A projecting sign shall be located no less than nine (9) feet above the sidewalk or ground level. Any applicant requesting a permit for a projecting sign which extends over a public right-of-way shall provide for a hold-harmless agreement with the City.
         C.   Roof sign. One (1) roof sign constructed of metal with a maximum surface area of eighty (80) square feet may be located on the roof of a principal structure located in the ORD-C. Such roof sign shall be setback a minimum of five (5) feet from the edge of the roof of the principal structure and may be illuminated with a direct light.
         D.   Awning signs. A maximum of one (1) awning sign may be permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth under this subsection. All new awnings, or changes to awning colors shall be subject to a design and site plan review. Removal and replacement of awning materials that does not involve changes to the awning support structures shall be considered a sign face change. Changes to awning lettering that involve no material or color changes shall not require a zoning sign permit. Awning lettering may not exceed sixteen (16) inches in height.
         E.   Monument sign. One (1) monument sign with a base constructed of brick may be installed in the ORD-C. The monument sign may be a maximum of six (6) feet in height with a maximum surface area of twenty-four (24) square feet. Any monument sign located in accordance with this subsection shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from the front property line or easement line, as applicable.
      (6)   Signs in residential zones (SR and RM Zoning Districts). Subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission, as applicable, in conjunction with the site plan and design review process required under Section 1109.19, signs shall be permitted in the SR and RM zones as established in Table 1105.03A and in conformity with the following specific provisions:
         A.   Sign lighting. The following types of lighting shall be permitted in RM zones: exterior illuminated and gooseneck lighting. Sign lighting is not permitted in SR zones.
         B.   Changeable copy types. Changeable copy types are not permitted in SR and RM zones.
         C.   Principal sign types. The following sign types shall be permitted in the SR and RM zones in accordance with the following provisions.
         D.   Neighborhood entry sign. One (1) or more permanent ground signs may be located on a lot or lots within a subdivision or multi-family dwelling development. When located in the public right-of-way, all such signs shall be subject to a perpetual maintenance agreement and shall not be internally illuminated.
         E.   Flags. Flags are permitted as a supplemental sign type in SR and RM zones.
         F.   Real estate signs. One (1) freestanding real estate sign per lot frontage is permitted on premises for individual lots or building until such lots are sold or rented in accordance with the following provisions:
            1.   Maximum sign face. Six (6) square feet.
            2.   Maximum height. Five (5) feet.
            3.   Location requirements. At least one (1) foot from street right-of- way and at least five (5) feet from side or rear lot lines.
            4.   Time restrictions. Sold signs shall be removed within five (5) calendar days from closing on the sale of the subject property.
         G.   Temporary signs. Temporary signs are permitted provided that any temporary sign may have a maximum area of two (2) square feet and may be located a maximum of three (3) feet above grade. Any temporary sign located in accordance with these provisions shall be constructed of vinyl with metal supports.
      (8)   Signs in commercial and mixed-use zones. (BMD/EMD Districts, CC Zone, and Innovation Zone). Subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission, as applicable, in conjunction with the site plan and design review process required under Section 1109.19 , signs shall be permitted in commercial and mixed-use zones as established in Table 1105.03A and in conformity with the following specific provisions:
         A.   Wall sign. One (1) wall sign may be erected on the wall of a building which most nearly parallels a street, parking lot or service drive, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The total permitted area for any wall sign is two (2) square feet per lineal foot of building façade or tenant space, as applicable. A wall sign shall be attached parallel to the building wall and shall not extend outward from the building wall more than fourteen (14) inches. A sign may be attached to a canopy, marquee or roof that projects beyond a structure provided that no part of such sign extends more than two (2) feet beyond such roof, canopy or marquee. Where a building is located on a corner lot, wall signs may be permitted on both walls which parallel the intersecting streets. Wall signs shall be composed of wood or metal frames with a face of wood, metal or polycarbonate materials.
         B.   Projecting sign. One (1) projecting sign, including its mounting structure, may be mounted upon and be perpendicular to the wall of a building and shall not extend beyond any other dimension of the wall. It shall not project more than four (4) feet from the wall, and shall not use a guy wire or angle iron support structure unless within the plane of the sign. A projected sign shall be located no less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk or ground level and no closer than six (6) feet to a street’s pavement or curb. Any applicant requesting a permit for a projecting sign which extends over a public right-of-way shall provide for a hold-harmless agreement with the City.
         C.   Awnings. Awnings may be permitted in addition to or in lieu of a wall sign. Where awnings are used as the primary sign identification, the standards for wall signs shall apply. All new awnings, or changes to awning colors in the design review districts shall be subject to a certificate of appropriateness. Removal and replacement of awning materials that does not involve changes to the awning support structures shall be considered a sign face change. Changes to awning lettering that involve no material or color changes shall not require a zoning sign permit. Awning lettering may not exceed twelve (12) inches in height.
         D.   Monument sign. One (1) monument sign with a base constructed of stone or brick may be installed in commercial or mixed-use zones. In the EMD or BMD the base shall be constructed of brick only. The monument sign may be a maximum of six (6) feet in height with a maximum surface area of twenty-four (24) square feet. Any monument sign located in accordance with this subsection shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from the front property line or easement line, as applicable.
      (8)   Signs in open space/schools zone. Signs in the OS zone shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission, as applicable.
   (d)   Supplemental Signs Non-Residential Districts. In addition to the above-listed principal sign types the following supplemental sign types are exempt from zoning sign permits and may be permitted in nonresidential districts, as specified below, in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Banner signs. In all non-residential districts a maximum of one (1) banner sign may be permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth under this subsection. Banner signs shall be a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet and shall be located a maximum of eight (8) feet above grade. The display of banners shall be allowed for no more than forty-five (45) days per year.
      (2)   Flags. Flags are permitted as a supplemental sign type in all non-residential districts.
      (3)   Sandwich board signs. A maximum of one (1) sandwich board sign may be permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth under this subsection. Sandwich board signs shall have a maximum sign face area of six (6) square feet with a maximum board width of twenty-four (24) inches and a maximum board height of thirty-six (36) inches. Any sandwich board located in accordance with this subsection shall be constructed of wood and shall be displayed for a maximum of twelve (12) hours per day.
      (4)   Real estate signs. Any combination of free-standing, wall or window real estate signs may be located upon any non-residential property for a total of three (3) signs, provided that such signs do not exceed the permitted dimensions for the corresponding sign-type in the zoning district that is applicable to the subject property. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if freestanding signs are not permitted in the zoning district applicable to the subject property, then one (1) free-standing sign not exceeding seven (7) feet in height with a maximum sign face of twenty (20) square feet may be located upon the subject property. All real estate signs located in accordance with this subsection shall be removed within five (5) calendar days from closing on the sale of the subject property.
      (5)   Window sign. Up to two (2) window signs no larger than thirty (30) percent of the surface area of the window or windows on which such sign or signs are placed. Any window sign located in accordance with this subsection shall be located on a window or windows on the front façade of the principal building.
      (6)   Temporary signs. Temporary signs are permitted provided that any temporary sign may have a maximum area of two (2) square feet and may be located a maximum of three (3) feet above grade. Any temporary sign located in accordance with these provisions shall be constructed of vinyl with metal supports.
   (e)   Generally Applicable Regulations for All Signs.
      (1)   Sign height. The height of a sign shall be measured from the finished grade which shall be defined as that point where the grade line intersects the front wall of the building. The height of a sign may not be artificially increased beyond the permitted height by placement of the sign on an earth mound.
      (2)   Sign setbacks. Signs shall be located in conformity with the side and rear yard requirements of the applicable zone or district.
      (3)   Sign colors. No sign requiring a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall contain more than four (4) colors, including black and white. Where a corporate logo is used, the logo shall count as one (1) of the four (4) colors. Where a multi-tenant sign is present, no individual sign face panel may contain more than four (4) colors.
      (4)   Construction. All signs shall be properly constructed and maintained to ensure that no safety hazard is created. All signs shall be built in conformity with the requirements of the Building Code and the procedures of the Building Division.
      (5)   Location. Except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code, no sign or any part of any sign shall be placed in, over or extend into any public right-of-way.
      (6)   Lighting. The level of illumination emitted or reflected from a sign shall not be so intense as to constitute a safety hazard to vehicular movement on any street from which the sign may be viewed, as determined by an average person. Illuminated signs shall be constructed and maintained so that the source of illumination is shielded or otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent lots or streets.
      (7)   Concealment of wires and components. Irrespective of the sign type permitted under this section, all wiring and components of such sign shall be concealed from public view.
      (8)   Contractor identification. All signs shall be plainly marked with the name of the person or company that installed the sign.
      (9)   Maintenance and repair required:
         A.   The owner of a sign shall repair, support, clean, repaint, or perform any maintenance service necessary to maintain the reasonable and proper appearance and condition of the sign. Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines a sign to be in need of repair, support, cleaning, repainting or other maintenance, he/she may issue a notice to the sign owner to complete the needed repairs or maintenance.
         B.   All sign face panels shall be intact and free from cracks. No sign shall be permitted to exist without an intact face panel. Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that a sign face is cracked or not intact, he/she may issue a notice to the sign owner to replace the sign face.
         C.   If the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that the existing condition of the sign creates an immediate hazard to the public health, safety or welfare, he/she shall issue a notice to the owner requiring the sign to be removed immediately.
   (f)   Nonconforming Signs.
      (1)   An existing sign that does not meet the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed a nonconforming sign.
      (2)   A nonconforming sign shall exist and be maintained in accordance with the following:
         A.   The size and shape of the sign structure shall not be altered, except that sign face panels may be replaced.
         B.   If damage occurs to a sign to the extent of sixty (60) percent or more of either the structure or its replacement cost at the time of destruction, the sign shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code.
      (3)   A nonconforming sign shall not be structurally relocated or replaced, unless the new sign is in compliance with this chapter.
   (g)   Abandoned Signs and Sign Faces.
      (1)   A sign or sign face shall be considered abandoned when:
         A.   The sign or sign face remains after the discontinuance of a use. A use is considered to be discontinued if it is closed to the public for at least ninety (90) consecutive days.
         B.   The sign or sign face is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the owner of the sign has not complied with notices to maintain the reasonable and proper appearance and condition of the sign.
      (2)   Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that a sign has been abandoned as defined in this chapter, the right to maintain and use such a sign shall terminate immediately. Physical removal of a sign may be accomplished pursuant to the nuisance abatement procedures and ordinances of the City.
      (3)   Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that a sign face is abandoned as defined in this chapter but the existing sign conforms to the Zoning Code, he/she may issue a notice to the sign owner to remove the abandoned panel and replace it with a blank. This shall not apply to signs maintained on lots that do not have any existing structure.
      (4)   Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that a sign face in a multi-tenant sign is abandoned but other panels on the sign are not abandoned, he or she may issue a notice to the sign owner to remove the abandoned panel and replace it with a blank.
   (h)   Special Sign Regulations for Gasoline Stations. Gasoline stations present several unique challenges for signage purposes due to industry-wide advertisement of the price of fuels for sale. In order to address these unique challenges, ground signs on lots with gasoline stations shall be permitted to incorporate electronic signage. Exempted ground signs of this type shall be subject to the following special regulations:
      (1)   The electronic signage shall take up no more than one-third (1/3) of the sign area permitted by this chapter.
      (2)   The electronic signage shall consist of a solid background with only one (1) illuminated color per electronic panel.
      (3)   Such signs shall be subject to all other sign regulations of this chapter, and of the applicable zone or district.
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)