General Provisions
1385.01   Objectives.
1385.02   Purpose.
1385.03   Minimum space and use requirements.
   Within the City, there may exist now, or in the future, premises, dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units or parts thereof which are in such a condition as to be dilapidated, unsafe, dangerous or unsanitary or contain parts or permit such an occupancy so as to affect or likely affect adversely the health and safety of the occupants thereof of the City. The provisions and guidelines of this Housing Code will correct and prevent such conditions which constitute a hazard to the public health including the physical, mental and social well-being of persons and families, the public safety and general welfare, and will achieve and maintain such levels of residential quality, as will have a satisfactory and beneficial effect on the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Ord. 147-77. Passed 12-19-77.)
1385.02 PURPOSE.
   It is hereby declared that the purpose of this Code is to protect, preserve and promote the physical and mental health and social well-being of the public, to prevent and control incidence of communicable diseases, to regulate privately and publicly owned dwellings for the purpose of maintaining adequate sanitation and public health to protect the safety of the people and promote the general welfare through provisions which shall be applicable to all dwellings now in existence or hereafter constructed and provides for the administration and enforcement thereof. It is further declared that the purposes of this Code is to encourage adequate housing conditions for protection of public health, safety and general welfare through the establishment of minimum guidelines for basic furnishings, for light, heat and ventilation conditions, for safety from fire and accidents and for the use and location of space for human occupancy.
(Ord. 147-77. Passed 12-19-77.)
   (a)   Bedroom Requirements. Every bedroom shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   Area for sleeping purposes. Every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least seventy square feet of floor space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one person shall contain at least seventy feet of floor space for EACH occupant thereof.
      (2)   Access for sleeping purposes. Bedrooms shall not constitute the only means of access to other bedrooms or habitable spaces and shall not serve as the only means of egress from other habitable spaces, except units that contain fewer than two bedrooms.
      (3)   Water closet accessibility. Every bedroom shall have access to at least one water closet and one lavatory without passing through another bedroom. Every bedroom in a dwelling unit shall have access to at least one water closet and one lavatory located in the same story as the bedroom.
      (4)   Prohibited occupancy. A nonhabitable space, kitchen, or other interior public area shall not be occupied for sleeping purposes.
      (5)   For purposes of this section, a child under the age of eighteen shall NOT be counted as an additional occupant.
      (6)   Other requirements. Bedrooms shall comply with the applicable provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code as well as the Codified Ordinances of The City of Reynoldsburg.
   (b)   Overcrowding.
      (1)   A dwelling unit shall not be occupied by any more occupants than are permitted by the Minimum Occupancy Requirements Table as follows:
   Minimum Occupancy Area Requirements
   Minimum Area in Square Feet
1-2 occupants
3-5 occupants
6 or more occupants
Living Room
Dining Room
      (2)   Sleeping area. The minimum occupancy area required by the table above shall NOT be included as a sleeping area in determining the minimum occupancy area for sleeping purposes.
      (3)   Basement or cellar occupancy. Except as modified herein, no basement or cellar space shall be used as a sleeping room, dwelling unit or rooming unit unless it meets all standards as set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code, the Codified Ordinances of The City of Reynoldsburg as well as these additional requirements:
         A.   The floors and walls shall be impervious to leakage or seepage of underground or surface water and shall be well drained and protected against dampness.
         B.   Access can be gained to each room without passage through a furnace room.
         C.   Each room shall have no pipes, ducts or other obstructions less than six feet and six inches above the floor level which interfere with normal use of the room or area.
         D.   Each room shall be separated from the heating equipment by a standard partition.
      (4)   Location of rooms. A bathroom or water closet shall not be used as the only passageway to any habitable room, hall, basement or cellar or to the exterior of the dwelling unit. Access to or egress from each rooming unit shall be provided without passing through any other rooming unit or dwelling unit.
      (5)   Closets. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with approximately thirty-six cubic feet of closet space or suitable alternative for the first bedroom plus eighteen cubic feet for each additional bedroom. At least one-half of the total required clothes closet space shall be located within the dwelling unit.
   (c)   Penalty. Whoever violates any provision of this section or any regulation pursuant to authority granted by this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Each day of continued violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 99-07. Passed 12-10-07.)