Should any section or provision of these regulations be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the regulations as a whole, or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.
(Ord. 32-07. Passed 5-14-07)
An application for a floodplain development permit shall be required for all development activities located wholly within, partially within, or in contact with an identified special flood hazard area. Such application shall be made by the owner of the property or his/her authorized agent, herein referred to as the applicant, prior to the actual commencement of such construction on a form furnished for that purpose. Where it is unclear whether a development site is in a special flood hazard area, the Floodplain Administrator may require an application for a floodplain development permit to determine the development's location. Such applications shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Site plans drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and topography of the area in question; the location of existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities, and the location of the foregoing.
(b) Elevation of the existing, natural ground where structures are proposed.
(c) Elevation of the lowest floor, including basement, of all proposed structures.
(d) Such other material and information as may be requested by the Floodplain Administrator to determine conformance with, and provide enforcement of these regulations.
(e) Technical analyses conducted by the appropriate design professional registered in the State of Ohio and submitted with an application for a floodplain development permit when applicable:
(1) Floodproofing certification for non-residential floodproofed structure as required in Section 1335.28(e).
(2) Certification that fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor of a structure not meeting the design requirements of Section 1335.28(d)(5) are designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces.
(3) Description of any watercourse alteration or relocation that the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse will not be diminished, and maintenance assurances as required in Section 1335.20(c).
(4) A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis demonstrating that the cumulative effect of proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood by more than one foot in special flood hazard areas where the Federal Emergency Management Agency has provided base flood elevations but no floodway as required by Section 1335.20(b).
(5) A hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis showing impact of any development on flood heights in an identified floodway as required by Section 1335.20(a).
(6) Generation of base flood elevation(s) for subdivision and large-scale developments as required by Section 1335.28(c).
(f) A floodplain development permit application fee set by the fee schedule adopted by the City.
(Ord. 32-07. Passed 5-14-07; Ord. 05-16. Passed 2-8-16.)
(a) Review.
(1) After receipt of a complete application, the Floodplain Administrator shall review the application to ensure that the standards of these regulations have been met. No floodplain development permit application shall be reviewed until all information required in Section 1335.23 has been received by the Floodplain Administrator.
(2) The Floodplain Administrator shall review all floodplain development permit applications to assure that all necessary permits have been received from those federal, state or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining such permits as required including permits issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
(b) Approval. Within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a complete application, the Floodplain Administrator shall either approve or disapprove the application. If an application is approved, a floodplain development permit shall be issued. All floodplain development permits shall be conditional upon the commencement of work within one (1) year. A floodplain development permit shall expire one (1) year after issuance unless the permitted activity has been substantially begun and is thereafter pursued to completion.
(Ord. 32-07. Passed 5-14-07)