(a) System Capacity Rate. The charges enacted under Section 949.02 shall be determined in accordance with the following:
The system capacity charge established under Columbus City Code, 1959, Section 1105.17 "System Capacity Rates Contract Areas", as amended to the effective date of this section, or as hereafter amended in the most recent edition.
The fee shall be paid at the time a permit is issued for the service tap. No person shall make a service tap of any part thereof, unless he has been issued a permit therefor by the Director of Public Service.
In the event a tap is subsequently enlarged, the difference between the charges for the two sizes shall be paid.
If the Director of Public Service is satisfied, after proper investigation, that a water tap would in no way be harmful to the community, he may issue a permit for such tap.
For all taps used to supply fire protection only, the rate shall be one-half the rate specified in this section.
In addition to the rates as set forth above, a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) a unit shall be charged to service a mobile home, multi-family dwelling, motel, hotel, hospital room and commercial units served by a master meter.
Any portion of the rates set forth in this section, with the exception of the amount which shall be paid to the City of Columbus pursuant to the contract for water supply, may be waived at the recommendation of the Mayor and upon approval by motion of Council.
(Ord. 162-92. Passed 12-14-92.)
(b) Application and Inspection Fee. The owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the Service Director. A permit and inspection fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for a water permit shall be paid to the Municipality at the time the application is filed.
(Ord. 115-89. Passed 9-25-89.)