715.01 Definitions.
715.02 Alarm permits.
715.03 Automatic dialing devices.
715.04 Equipment maintenance and inspection of alarm systems.
715.05 Suspension, revocation and appeals procedure for permits.
715.06 Liability of the City.
715.07 Exemptions.
715.08 False alarm service charges.
715.99 Prohibitions and penalties.
Making false alarms - see GEN. OFF. 509.07
(a) "Alarm permit" means a permit issued by the Chief of Police to any owner or other person in control of a building, property or part thereof located in the City to install and maintain an alarm system.
(b) "Alarm system" means any assembly of equipment and devices which signals so as to be seen or heard outside the protected building or space the presence of robbery, burglary, vandalism or unauthorized intrusion.
(c) "Inter-connected alarm system" means any alarm system which directly or indirectly, automatically or manually uses a telephone line to transmit an alarm or message upon activation of the alarm system.
(d) "Local alarm system" means any alarm system that when activated only sounds a horn, bell, buzzer, or other type of audible or visible alarm that is designed to be audible or visible beyond the premises being served but which does not result in the transmission of a signal to any other location.
(e) "Alarm permit holder" means any person, organization or company who has a permit issued to him by the Chief of Police.
(f) "Automatic dialing device" means a device which is inter-connected to a telephone line and is programmed to select a predetermined telephone number and transmit by voice message or code signal an emergency message indicating a need for emergency response.
(g) "False alarm" means any alarm signal or message initiated and transmitted either automatically or manually through an alarm system to the City soliciting response by police when robbery, burglary, vandalism or unauthorized intrusion does not, in fact, exist but does not include an alarm signal caused by hurricanes, tornadoes or other catastrophic acts of God not reasonably subject to control by the alarm manufacturer, installer or alarm permit holder.
(Ord. 125-79. Passed 10-8-79.)
(a) Any residence or building or part thereof located within the City may be equipped with an alarm system for the purpose of detecting and signaling the presence of unauthorized intrusion.
(Ord. 125-79. Passed 10-8-79.)
(b) Before an interconnected alarm system is installed in a residence or building, the owner shall apply for and receive a permit from the Chief of Police. The Chief shall prescribe the form of the application and request such information as is necessary to evaluate and act upon the permit application. The information contained in an alarm permit application shall be securely maintained and restricted to inspection only by the Chief or his designated representative. Before any such permit is issued, the prospective permit holder shall sign an agreement with the City to pay for the services rendered in responding to false alarms in accordance with Section 715.08. The Chief shall prescribe the form and content of such agreement. Any person, business or organization who possesses a currently valid annual permit under the former Section 715.02 shall be required to obtain a new permit under this section upon the expiration of the former annual permit.
(c) A one-time alarm permit fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged for a permit issued under the provisions of this section. The initial and renewal fees shall be waived for permit holders sixty years of age and older for alarm systems on their residences only. It shall be the responsibility of the person, organization or business that installs an alarm system to collect this permit fee from the permit holder of such system. Alarm permits are personal to the permit holder and are not transferable. Any person, business or organization who renews a valid annual permit under the former Section 715.02 for a given alarm system shall pay a fifteen dollar ($15.00) one-time permit fee.
(d) No person, organization or business shall install an alarm system in this City without first having notified the Chief in writing of such installation. Such notice shall include the address of the proposed installation, the type of alarm system and the name and address of the person, organization or business which will perform such installation. No person, organization or business shall remove or otherwise terminate an alarm system in this City without notifying the Chief in writing of such removal or termination. Such notice shall include the address of the removed or terminated system, the type of alarm system and the name and address of the person, organization or business which will perform such removal or termination. Such notice shall be served to the Chief within thirty days of the removal or termination of given alarm system.
(Ord. 41-88. Passed 5-23-88.)
(e) When there has occurred any material change in the information previously submitted with respect to such alarm system it shall be the duty of the occupant of a building, served by an alarm system, within ten days after a change of information previously submitted to the City to file an application supplement containing accurate, current information with respect to the data required by the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 125-79. Passed 10-8-79.)