(a) The City will enter into four (4)-year contracts with design professionals as approved by the Mayor and City Attorney.
(b) The necessary contracts with design professionals are to be for a consulting engineer, architect/ structural engineer. Council, by motion, may identify and increase the number of necessary design professional contracts.
(c) The types of future projects may include capacity studies, environmental services, roadway design and rehabilitation, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer design, building design and layout, planning, and other related services, as needed.
(d) The City, at the direction of the Mayor, may extend authorized contracts annually by a motion of council.
(Ord. 65-08. Passed 10-13-08; Ord. 06-16. Passed 2-8-16; Ord. 94- 19. Passed 9-9-19.)
The form of public announcement of contracts for design professionals will be in accordance with a public announcement as prepared by the Director of Public Service and as approved by the Mayor and City Attorney.
(Ord. 65-08. Passed 10-13-08; Ord. 06-16. Passed 2-8-16; Ord. 94- 19. Passed 9-9-19.)
The timetable for qualification based selection process shall be as follows; unless Council, by motion adopts a revised timetable:
(a) Public announcement of contracts for the engineer, architect and structural engineer to be on or before August 1st of the third year of each four (4)-year contract.
(b) Receive statements of qualification by September 1st.
(c) The committee of six (6) established in Section 174.01 is to evaluate qualifications and rank design professionals by September 15th.
(d) The Mayor is to submit legislation authorizing contract(s) approvals to Council by October 1st.
(Ord. 144-96. Passed 12-16-96; Ord. 65-08. Passed 10-13-08; Ord. 94-19. Passed 9-9-19.)