Ethics Policy
173.01   Establishment and adoption of Ohio Ethics Law.
   (a)   The Ohio Ethics Law applies to all municipal officials and employees. The City of Reynoldsburg shall provide a copy of the Ohio Ethics Law (Chapter 102, and Sections 2921.42, 2921.421, and 2921.43) to all officials and employees elected, appointed or hired by the city within 15 days of their commencement of service to the municipality. All officials and employees must sign a statement that they have received a copy of the Ohio Ethics Law. Compliance with the Ohio Ethics Law will result in the prevention of conflicts of interest and avoid the appearance of impropriety as the day to day activities of the municipality are conducted.
   (b)   The Ohio Ethics Law includes, but is not limited to, the following examples of conflicts or inappropriate activities:
      (1)   No municipal official or employee may take any action to purchase or acquire services or property for the municipality where they, their family, or their business associates have a financial interest in the service or property except as otherwise provided by law.
      (2)   No municipal official or employee may have a financial interest in any municipal purchase, acquisition, or contract except as otherwise provided by law.
      (3)   No municipal official or employee may take any action to employ their spouses, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers or sisters except as otherwise provided by law.
      (4)   No municipal official or employee may solicit or accept anything of value, including but not limited to gifts, and travel, meals, and lodging that is of such a character as to manifest a substantial and improper influence upon the person with respect to their duties except as otherwise provided by law.
      (5)   No municipal official or employee may accept compensation, other than from the municipality he/she serves, for the performance of his/her public duties except as otherwise provided by law.
   (c)   Should a municipal official or employee, become involved in or become aware of someone who is involved in a questionable situation, notification to the department head or the City Attorney should be made. If necessary, a random committee selected by lottery draw, of not less than three nor more than five, shall be selected from all elected officials within the city to investigate the situation. After that investigation, a determination shall be made, by a majority vote of the random committee, as to whether the incident needs to be referred to the Ohio Ethics Commission.
(Ord. 65-96. Passed 5-13-96.)