Community Reinvestment
168.01   Housing Council established.
168.02   Community Reinvestment Area.
168.03   East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area.
168.04   East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area Section Two.
168.05   East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area Section Three.
   Reinvestment areas - see Ohio R.C. 3735.65 et seq.
   (a)   Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3735.65 through 3735.70, there is hereby created a Community Reinvestment Housing Council for each Community Reinvestment Area within the municipality consisting of seven resident members for each housing council who are electors of the City to be appointed as follows:
      Two members by City Council.
      Two members by the Mayor.
      One member by the Planning Commission.
      Two additional members which shall be residents of the political subdivision and shall be appointed
      by the majority of the foregoing members.
   (b)   Term of the members of the Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall be for three years. An unexpired term resulting from a vacancy in such Council shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment was made.
   (c)   Each Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each year, except such Council may be called into special meetings as required.
   (d)   Each Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall make annual inspections of properties within the Community Reinvestment Area for which an exemption has been granted under Ohio R.C. 3735.67 and shall report its findings to City Council. Such Council shall also hear appeals under Ohio R.C. Section 3735.70.
(Ord. 61-84. Passed 6-25-84; Ord. 28-96. Passed 2-12-96.)
   For purposes of fulfilling the requirements set forth under Ohio R.C. 3735.65 through 3735.70, inclusive, City Council establishes a Community Reinvestment Area, dated June 25,1984.
   The boundaries of the Community Reinvestment Area shall be as shown on such map dated June 25, 1984 entitled "City of Reynoldsburg Community Reinvestment Area."
   Within the boundaries of the Community Reinvestment Area the following schedule of tax abatement and the maximum time periods shall be granted for real property improvements as described in Ohio R.C. Section 3735.67:
   (a)   Nine years at the following rates and time periods:
      Years               Tax Abated
      1-3               100%
      4-6               2/3
      7-9               1/3
      After 9               Full tax paid by owner
      For the remodeling of every dwelling containing not more than two family units upon which the cost of remodeling is at least two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67 (A).
   (b)   Twelve years at the following rates and time periods:
      Years               Tax Abated
      1-5               100%
      6 - 10               2/3
      11 - 12               1/3
      After 12            Full tax paid by owner
      For the remodeling of every dwelling containing more than two units, and commercial or industrial properties, upon which the cost of remodeling is at least five thousand dollars ($5,000) as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67 (B).
   (c)   Fifteen years at the following rates and time periods:
      Years               Tax Abated
      1-5               100%
      6 - 10               2/3
      11 - 15               1/3
      After 15            Full tax paid by owner
      For the construction of every commercial or industrial structure as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67 (C).
      To administer and implement the provisions of this section, the Mayor is designated the Housing Officer, as established by Ordinance No. 5-91 passed January 28, 1991. All tax abatement applications shall be the responsibility of the Mayor as described in Ohio R.C. Sections 3735.65 and 3735.66.
      Tax abatement eligibility on any real property terminates if the use for which it was granted changes or the project is not commenced within one year after tax abatement eligibility is granted or the project is not completed in a period of thirty-six months after tax abatement eligibility is granted. Commencement of a project is defined as the act of making application for a building permit and project completion is defined as final inspection by the Building Department.
      Tax abatement eligibility at any location may be transferred to a new owner only upon the review of the Mayor and approval by a majority vote of City Council.
(Res. 60-84. Passed 6-25-84; Ord. 28-96. Passed 2-12-96.)
   (a)   The area depicted in Exhibit A revised May 1, 1989 and described in Exhibit B revised May 1, 1989 attached to original Ordinance 61-8 has successfully met the criteria for designation as a Community Reinvestment Area under the terms of Ohio R.C. 3735.65 through 3735.70.
   (b)   The area depicted in Exhibit A revised May 1, 1989 and described in Exhibit B revised May 1, 1989 attached to original Ordinance 61-89 is hereby established as the East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area.
   (c)   The boundaries of the East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area are as depicted in Exhibit A revised May 1, 1989 and as more particularly described in Exhibit B revised May 1, 1989 attached to original Ordinance 61-89.
   (d)   The East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area is an area in which housing facilities are located and in which new housing construction and repair of existing facilities or structures is discouraged.
   (e)   Within the East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area, tax exemptions for improvements to real property as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67 will be granted for the following periods:
      (1)   Ten years for the remodeling of every dwelling containing not more than two family units upon which the cost of remodeling is at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67(A).
      (2)   Twelve years for the remodeling of every commercial or industrial property, upon which the cost of remodeling is at least twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67(B).
      (3)   Fifteen years for the construction of every commercial or industrial structure as described in Ohio R.C. 3735.67(C).
   For purposes of clarification, residential dwellings shall not be considered commercial for purposes of qualifying for the abatement authorized by this section.
   (f)   Tax abatement may only be granted to those property owners who apply and complete construction or remodeling after the effective date of this section.
   (g)   The Mayor of the City is hereby designated as the Housing Officer for the East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area. The aforesaid Housing Officer is hereby authorized and directed to administer and implement this section and Ohio R.C. 3735.65 through 3735.69.
   (h)   The East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area Council is hereby created consisting of seven members appointed as set forth in Section 168.01 in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Reynoldsburg.
   (i)   The East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area Council shall make an annual inspection of the properties within the East Broad Street Community Reinvestment Area for which an exemption has been granted under Ohio R.C. 3735.67 and shall hear appeals under Ohio R.C. 3735.70.
(Ord. 61-89. Passed 5-22-89; Ord. 28-96. Passed 2-12-96.)