(a) Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3735.65 through 3735.70, there is hereby created a Community Reinvestment Housing Council for each Community Reinvestment Area within the municipality consisting of seven resident members for each housing council who are electors of the City to be appointed as follows:
Two members by City Council.
Two members by the Mayor.
One member by the Planning Commission.
Two additional members which shall be residents of the political subdivision and shall be appointed
by the majority of the foregoing members.
(b) Term of the members of the Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall be for three years. An unexpired term resulting from a vacancy in such Council shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment was made.
(c) Each Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each year, except such Council may be called into special meetings as required.
(d) Each Community Reinvestment Housing Council shall make annual inspections of properties within the Community Reinvestment Area for which an exemption has been granted under Ohio R.C. 3735.67 and shall report its findings to City Council. Such Council shall also hear appeals under Ohio R.C. Section 3735.70.
(Ord. 61-84. Passed 6-25-84; Ord. 28-96. Passed 2-12-96.)