(a) There is hereby created a Planning Commission, consisting of five citizen members who are electors of the City, to be appointed by the Mayor subject to approval by the Council by a majority vote of its members. The Director of Development shall be an ex-officio member of the Commission and may take part in discussions, but shall not cast any vote. Commission members whenever possible should have a background in city planning, law, finance, real estate, community development, architecture, civil engineering, or related field. Except for the Director of Development, no person shall serve as a member of the Commission at the same time he or she is an employee or official of the City. Each citizen member shall serve for a three year term of office.
(Amended 11-6-12) (Amended 11-7-17.)
(b) The Planning Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month; except the Commission, by its rules or by a majority vote of its members, may designate one month in which regular meetings shall not be held.
(c) The Planning Commission shall have the power to hear applications for zoning district changes, review zoning regulation changes, review plats and subdivision regulations, and to exercise such other powers, duties, and functions as provided for by Council. The Commission shall conduct studies and surveys, and prepare advisory plans, reports and maps relative to planning, land use, zoning, and transportation or other infrastructure of the City. The Commission shall be responsible for the preparation and implementation of a comprehensive plan, land use plan, transportation plan, or other similar development plans and guidelines for the City and subsequent plan amendments, for Council approval. The Planning Commission shall assist the Director of Development or other City officials with drafting and review of development policies for the City. The Commission may make such advisory recommendations concerning such matters to the Council as the Commission believes to be in the best interest of the City. The Commission may exercise any powers, duties, or functions provided to municipal planning commissions by State law that do not otherwise conflict with Council ordinances or resolutions, or this Charter.
(Amended 11-7-17.)
(a) There is hereby created a Board of Zoning and Building Appeals consisting of the Director of Development and five citizen members who are electors of the City, to be appointed by the Mayor subject to approval by the Council by a majority vote of its members. The Director of Development shall be an ex-officio member of the Board and may take part in discussions, but shall not cast any vote. Except for the Director of Development, no person shall serve as a member of the Board at the same time he or she is an employee or official of the City. Each citizen member shall serve for a three year term of office.
(Amended 11-6-12) (Amended 11-7-17.)
(b) The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall hold at least one regular meeting each month; except the Board, by its rules or by a majority vote of its members, may designate one month in which regular meetings shall not be held.
(c) The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall have the power to hear and decide appeals for exceptions to and variances in, the application of resolutions, ordinances, regulations, measures and orders of administrative officials or agencies governing zoning, building, property maintenance, and housing in the City, as may be required to afford justice and avoid unreasonable hardship, subject to such reasonable standards as shall be prescribed by Council by ordinance or resolution. The Board may make advisory recommendations to the Council and the Planning Commission concerning such matters as it believes to be in the best interest of the City. The Board shall have such other powers, duties and functions, consistent with this Charter as provided by the City's ordinances and resolutions.
(Amended 11-4-97) (Amended 11-7-17.)
(a) There is hereby created a Civil Service Commission consisting of three members who are electors of the City, to be appointed by the Mayor subject to approval by the Council by a majority vote of its members. At the time of appointment not more than two of the members shall be adherents of the same political party. The members of the Civil Service Commission existing on the effective date of this Charter under the general statutory plan of government for the City, are hereby designated as the members of the Civil Service Commission under this Charter, and as such, shall serve the remainder of their statutory terms of office exercising the powers, duties and functions of the Commission under this Charter. Thereafter, members of the Civil Service Commission shall be appointed to serve for a term of office of four years each, except the first person appointed to a new term after this Charter takes effect shall be appointed to a three year term.
(b) All compensated positions of the City shall be in the Classified Service of the City, except the following offices and positions which shall constitute the Unclassified Service of the City:
(1) All elected officials of the City.
(2) All directors of departments of the City.
(3) The Clerk of Council and employees of the Council.
(4) Members of all Boards and Commissions established by this Charter or by ordinance or resolution.
(5) The secretary of each Board and Commission established by this Charter or by ordinance or resolution; provided that if such secretary holds other employment within the Classified Service of the City, this section shall not exempt such person from the requirement of competitive examination to hold such other employment.
(6) One secretary to the City Attorney, Assistant City Attorneys and special legal counsel.
(7) One secretary and one assistant or deputy to each of the following officers: the City Auditor, the Mayor, and each director of a department.
(8) Members of any auxiliary police force or unit, and volunteer or part-time members of any fire force or division.
(9) Persons of exceptional professional or scientific qualifications.
(10) Consultants and others engaged to provide services as Independent contractors.
(11) Unskilled laborers and other positions not required to be in the Classified Service under the Ohio constitutional provisions pertaining to merit, as defined and authorized by the Civil Service Commission and approved by the Council, by ordinance or resolution.
(12) Professional engineers employed by the City.
(13) Temporary employees who are not employed for more than ninety consecutive days or for more than ninety days in any one year.
(14) Special categories of employees employed under federal or state programs, as defined and authorized by the Civil Service Commission and approved by the Council, by ordinance or resolution. Heads of divisions within departments, including the positions of Chief of Police and Fire Chief, are within the Classified Service of the City.
(c) Officers and employees in the Classified Civil Service of the City shall be appointed and promoted pursuant to competitive examinations, to the extent practicable, and shall be dismissed, suspended or otherwise disciplined, for cause only, pursuant to the powers granted by division (e) of this section. Officers and employees in the Unclassified Service of the City shall not be appointed or promoted pursuant to competitive examination and shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may be removed, suspended or otherwise disciplined without cause, except as may otherwise be provided in portions of this Charter applicable to such officers or employees.
(d) The Mayor shall be the appointing authority with the power to appoint, promote, remove, suspend or otherwise discipline:
(1) All officers and employees in the administrative departments, or sub-units thereof, except the Departments of Law and City Auditor, subject to the provisions of this section pertaining to Civil Service.
(2) Employees of each Board or Commission created by this Charter or by ordinance or resolution, subject to the provisions of this section pertaining to Civil Service. The secretary of each Board and Commission shall be appointed by the Board or Commission as provided in Section 7.08(a) of this Charter.
The City Auditor and City Attorney shall be the appointing authorities for their respective departments with the power to appoint, promote, remove, suspend or otherwise discipline officers and employees within their respective departments or offices, subject to the provisions of this section pertaining to Civil Service.
(e) The general laws of Ohio pertaining to civil service in general statutory plan cities shall apply to the City under this Charter, except as such laws may conflict with or be inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter; and further provided that the Council may, by ordinance or resolution, eliminate or modify the application of specific provisions of those laws to the City and substitute local procedures or provisions in lieu of the specific provisions of those laws.
(f) The Civil Service Commission of the City shall administer the Civil Service provisions of the general laws of Ohio for the Classified employees of any school district, health district, court or other unit of government to the extent and if required under the general laws of Ohio. The City may receive funds from such other units of government for the services rendered to them.
(a) There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Commission to consist of: two electors of the Reynoldsburg City School District to be appointed by the Board of Education of the Reynoldsburg City School District; and three electors of the City to be appointed by the Mayor. Members appointed by such Board of Education or the Mayor shall serve four year terms of office.
The persons serving as members of the Recreation Commission existing under the general statutory plan of government for the City at the time this Charter takes effect are hereby designated to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Commission under this Charter, and as such, shall serve the remainder of their terms of office exercising the powers, duties and functions of the Commission under this Charter. After the expiration of existing terms of office of members holding over under the general statutory plan of government, the Mayor and the Board of Education shall appoint members to four year terms of office, except that their initial appointments shall be made for such terms as will assure that thereafter one member of the Commission shall be appointed each year. Thereafter, each member appointed by the Board of Education and the Mayor shall serve for a four year term of office.
(b) In the event the Board of Education shall fail to appoint any member, as authorized by division (a) of this section, within thirty days after the Board's initial appointments are to be made or upon a vacancy, the Mayor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy and the person appointed by the Mayor in such events shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be removed, without cause, by the Mayor.
(c) In addition to the persons authorized to call special meetings of the Commission under its rules, the Director of Parks and Recreation may call a special meeting of the Commission, in the manner provided by the Commission's rules.
(d) The Parks and Recreation Commission shall review the City's parks and recreation operations, facilities and programs and shall make advisory recommendations to the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Council concerning such parks and recreational programs, operations and facilities as the Commission believes to be in the best interest of the City. Prior to submitting the budget request of the Department of Parks and Recreation to the Mayor for his or her consideration, the Director shall meet with the Commission, explain the contents of the budget request, and receive the recommendations of the Commission, if any, concerning the budget request. If the budget request submitted by the Director to the Mayor differs from the recommendations of the Commission, the Director shall also submit a full explanation of the Commission's recommendations to the Mayor. Recommendations on the budget by the Commission are advisory only.
(a) During the month of January, 1982 and each five years thereafter, the Council shall appoint, by a majority vote of its members, a Charter Review Commission consisting of five members who are electors of the City. Not more than two of the members shall be adherents of the same political party. In addition to the mandatory duty imposed upon the Council by this section to appoint a Charter Review Commission during January of 1982 and each five years thereafter, the Council may appoint such Commission, with membership as provided in this division, at any time, by a majority vote of its members.
(b) The Charter Review Commission shall study and review the provisions of this Charter and the operations of the City and shall report its recommendations, if any, for changes or revisions in this Charter to the Council no later than the first day of August following the appointment of the Commission, unless a later date is specified by the Council, by a majority vote of its members. The Commission shall submit their recommended amendments to Council. Upon two-thirds vote of Council the amendments shall be submitted to the voters in the manner provided by the Constitution and the laws of Ohio. While substantive changes are not permitted, Council may modify the language of the recommended amendments for purposes of clarity or to correct technical defects. The Council shall approve funds to the Commission as determined to be necessary by the Commission to carry out its powers, duties and functions, including amounts required to pay any consultants or special legal counsel selected by the Commission.
(Amended 11-3-92.)