   135.01 ESTABLISHED.
   (a)   In accordance with the Charter, there is hereby created the position of City Fiscal Officer. The salary of the City Fiscal Officer shall be as provided by Council from time to time for thirty hours per week, payable bi-monthly. If it becomes necessary for the City Fiscal Officer to work more than thirty hours per week to perform the duties and functions as described in Section 135.01(b) below, she shall be compensated for up to ten additional hours per week, with any such additional time to be approved by the Mayor. The City Fiscal Officer shall have all benefits that are currently in effect within the City and any changes or modifications that may become effective after the position has been filled.
   (b)   The City Fiscal Officer shall have those powers, duties and functions as provided by the general laws of the State of Ohio and in addition such City Fiscal Officer shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: The City Fiscal Officer shall perform the duties by law for the City Clerk and the Treasurer. All laws pertaining to the Clerk and to the Treasurer shall be construed to apply to the City Fiscal Officer.
(Ord. 16-2010. Passed 4-27-10.)
   The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to make payments from the OWDA funds received for the construction of the Water Main Project as the bills for such construction are received without first obtaining approval of Council. However, the Fiscal Officer shall obtain approval from the City Engineer prior to making any such payments.
(Res. 5-1986. Passed 2-25-86.)
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 135.03 was repealed by Ordinance 18-1989, passed August 7, 1989.
   135.04 BOND.
   The Fiscal Officer shall be bonded in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
(1978 Code Sec. 233.03)
   135.05 PETTY CASH FUND.
   A petty cash fund is established in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for use by the Fiscal Officer to meet small monthly purchases for the City.
(1978 Code Sec. 233.04)