Parks and Public Grounds
1062.01   Injury to park property.
1062.02   Waste containers.
1062.03   Games.
1062.04   Injury to parks or boulevards; littering.
1062.05   Speed of vehicles.
1062.06   Restriction on vehicles.
1062.07   Additional rules.
1062.99   Penalty.
   Parks generally – see Mich. Const. Art. 7, § 23
   Parks and recreation facilities in home rule cities – see M.C.L.A. §§ 117.4e, 117.5
   Sale of park property – see M.C.L.A. § 117.5
   Recreation Commission – see ADM. Ch. 278
   Outdoor commercial recreation – see P. & Z. 1274.09(t)