A. A charge to establish a new account will be collected by the city. The amount shall be established by resolution.
B. Upon request, the city will shut off the water supply without charge for emergency purposes, and it is understood that the city will turn on the water supply after repairs have been made.
C. If the service must be discontinued for nonpayment of bill(s), a charge as set by resolution will be made by the city which must be paid in full prior to restoration of service, including the minimum amount of prepayment as set by this chapter in the event any previous prepayments have already been applied.
D. Any person requesting water service for a premises for which a notice of violation of the California Health And Safety Code or a notice of substandard building has been issued must provide evidence of a current legal right to occupy the premises and clearance by either the development services director or the quality of life director before the restoration of service.
E. If a city representative is prevented from discontinuing service, or if service is turned back on by anyone other than an authorized representative, the city may take any further steps it deems necessary to effect the disconnection and prior to the restoration of service, all delinquent charges and applicable miscellaneous charges must be paid in full before service will be restored as set by resolution, including the minimum amount of prepayment as set by this chapter in the event any previous prepayments have already been applied. (Ord. 2834, 2016)