A.   The community development director shall prepare and make available to the public a form of application for a public property sign permit which shall, when fully approved by the community development director, constitute a public property sign permit ("permit") and indicate the city's consent, in its proprietary capacity, for placement of a sign. The applicant for the permit must be the same person or entity who is to be the owner of the sign. The processing fee for each application, which shall not be refundable even if the application is denied, shall be the same as the fee for a private sign permit under this code or as established by resolution of the city council. The application form shall require the applicant to indicate that he or she has read this chapter and that the applicant shall abide by its terms, as well as any special terms or conditions which may be stated on the permit, and to abide by any new or different conditions which may be imposed on all permittees who are similarly situated.
   B.   Any public property sign permit issued in error may be summarily revoked by any officer of the city by simply informing the applicant of the nature of the error in issuance. Any applicant whose permit is revoked as issued in error may, at any time thereafter, submit a new permit application which cures any deficiencies in the original application. The application fee shall apply separately to each new application. Applications which fully comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter shall be duly issued. Applications which are denied, or permits which are revoked or suspended, may be appealed in the same manner as denials of sign permits, as described in this code.
   C.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an application for a public property sign permit for a sign on city armory property pursuant to section 12.55.110 of this chapter shall be approved by the city council. (Ord. 2520 § 1, 2002)