The city council finds and declares as follows:
A. There exists in the city substandard and unsanitary residential buildings and dwelling units, the physical conditions and characteristics of which render them unfit or unsafe for human occupancy and habitation and cause such buildings and units to be detrimental to, or jeopardize, the health, safety and welfare of their occupants and of the public.
B. The existence of such substandard buildings and dwelling units threatens the physical, social and economic stability of sound residential areas, and of their supporting neighborhood facilities and institutions; necessitates disproportionate expenditures of public funds for law enforcement and remedial action; impairs the efficient and economical exercise of governmental powers and functions; and destroys the amenity of residential areas and neighborhoods, and of the community as a whole.
C. The business of renting or leasing rental dwelling units, as defined herein, has resulted in instances of absentee landlords and/or off site managers, which, in turn, has increased the likelihood of instances of substandard buildings and dwelling units, health violations and crime, all of which are a public nuisance.
D. For the above stated reasons, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the city that:
1. It is in the public interest of the residents of the city to protect and promote the existence of sound and wholesome residential buildings, dwelling units and neighborhoods by the adoption and enforcement of such standards, regulations and procedures as will remedy the existence or prevent the development or creation of dangerous, substandard or unsanitary and deficient residential buildings and dwelling units; and
2. The provisions of this chapter related to the permitting of rental dwelling units are to protect the best interests and the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city. (Ord. 2773, 2012)