A. The engineer shall have power to give the grantee such directions for the location of any pipes and appurtenances as may be reasonably necessary to avoid sewers, water pipes, conduits or other structures lawfully in or under the streets; and before the work of constructing any pipes and appurtenances is commenced, the grantee shall file with the engineer plans showing the location thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of the engineer (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld); and all such construction shall be subject to the inspection of the engineer and done to his reasonable satisfaction. All street coverings or openings, traps, vaults, and manholes shall at all times be kept flush with the surface of the streets; provided, however, that vents for underground traps, vaults and manholes may extend above the surface of the streets when such vents are located in parkways, between the curb and the property line.
B. Where it is necessary to lay any underground pipes through, under or across any portion of a paved or macadamized street, the same, where practicable and economically reasonable shall be done by a tunnel or bore, so as not to disturb the foundation of such paved or macadamized street; and in the event that the same cannot be so done, such work shall be done under a permit to be granted by the engineer upon application therefor. (Ord. 825 § 9, 1941)