Every taxicab driver and owner/operator shall be jointly and severally responsible for all of the following equipment requirements:
A. Taxicab Equipment:
1. A trunk device which shall permit the opening of the trunk lid from the inside of the trunk,
2. A permanent fixture to display the taxicab driver's permit in prominent view of the passengers,
3. Prominent signs giving the name and telephone number of the taxicab permittee and the taxicab number on the sides of the vehicle. The taxicab number shall also be conspicuously displayed on the rear portion and inside the vehicle,
4. A prominent sign within the passenger area of each taxicab informing passengers to call the city's business license division with comments or complaints on the service provided,
5. No fewer than four (4) working doors, except that a handicapped accessible minivan may be used,
6. A fire extinguisher,
7. Four (4) flares,
8. At least two (2) emergency reflectors,
9. Spare tire and jack,
10. Windows which patrons can open from inside,
11. Working headlights, taillights, turn signals, backup lights, and brake lights, including the "cyclops" or third brake light, if the car has been manufactured in 1988 or later;
B. Taxicab Communications Equipment: In addition to the equipment requirements of subsection A of this section, every taxicab into which passengers are accepted for transportation within the city shall have a two-way radio with dispatch capability and a mobile display terminal capable of communication with a dispatcher;
C. Prohibited Equipment: No taxicab may be equipped with a scanner or other device that can be used to intercept radio signals and dispatches sent to specific destinations. (Ord. 2434 § 1, 2000)