Every solicitor, peddler, and itinerant salesman shall make application for police registration at the office of the city's finance director on a form provided for that purpose and complying with the following provisions:
   A.   Giving the name of the applicant;
   B.   Giving the name and address of the person, employer, firm or corporation the applicant is to represent and credentials showing the applicant's relationship to his employer or principal;
   C.   Giving a brief description of the nature of the activity and the kind of goods, wares, or services to be solicited, peddled or sold;
   D.   Giving the applicant's present address and the applicant's permanent address and the local address from which sales will be made;
   E.   Giving the date the applicant proposes to start the applicant's activity within the city. (Ord. 2718 § 22, 2009)