Every person who advertises, promotes, holds out to or who conducts and carries on a "regulated sale", defined as any sale of goods, wares and merchandise as an auction sale, insurance, bankruptcy, mortgage, insolvent, assignees, executors, administrators, receivers, trustees, removal, adjusters, wholesalers, jobbers, manufacturers sale, closing out sale or sale of goods damaged by fire, smoke, water or otherwise or as a sale conducted by a merchants' association, board of trade or other claimant or creditor, shall file with the city's finance director or the director's designee a statement under oath stating the name of the person or persons, from whom the goods were obtained, whether the same are to be sold under an order of court and if so, the name of the court and proceeding in which such order was made, and an inventory shall be filed no less than ten (10) days prior to such regulated sale. (Ord. 2718 § 16, 2009)