A.   Definition Of Agritourism: Agritourism is the act of visiting a working farm/ranch or agricultural operation for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the activities of the farm/ranch or agricultural operation that adds to the economic viability of the agricultural operation. Agritourism activities are secondary and supplemental to the agricultural uses of the land, and do not create conflicts with agricultural activities on said lands and/or adjacent lands.
   B.   Purpose: Agritourism allows for enhanced economic viability of working farms while maintaining the rural character of agricultural districts for the continued operation and preservation of farming and ranching land uses. All activities shall be consistent with The Right to Farm Act (Calif. Civil Code §3482.5).
   C.   Definition Of Non-Prime Agricultural Land: Land that is not "prime agricultural land" as defined by the California Department of Conservation is the preferred location for agritourism activities and any structures or improvements appurtenant thereto. Land that is defined as "prime agricultural land" means those lands and soils as defined as prime agricultural lands by the California Department of Conservation.
   D.   Compatibility With Agriculture: Agritourism rides and attractions shall be limited to the following (as a permitted use or a conditionally permitted use):
      1.   One (1) farm animal petting zoo on non-prime soils.
      2.   One (1) pony ride area located on non-prime soils.
      3.   One (1) food vendor, mobile or on-site (with County environmental health permit if applicable) located on non-prime soils.
      4.   One (1) pre-packaged food/snack bar on non-prime soils.
      5.   One (1) haunted house/barn on non-prime soils.
      6.   One (1) hay maze on non-prime soils.
      7.   One (1) train and tracks located on non-prime soils.
      8.   Inflatable devices on non-prime soils, subject to case-by-case review.
      9.   One (1) hayride on all soils.
      10.   Train rides on rubberized wheels throughout all soils, subject to case-by-case review.
      11.   One (1) produce stand on all soils.
      12.   Other recreational/educational activities, subject to review and approval of the Development Services Director or Planning Commission.
      13.   Days and hours of operation as per determination by the Development Services Director or Planning Commission.
   E.   Development And Performance Standards For Agritourism: Agritourism uses shall be consistent with the following operating and development standards, including but not limited to:
      1.   Adequate on-site parking to accommodate the uses must be provided on non-prime soils and designated on the site plan for review by Development Services staff. The parking requirement shall be determined by the Development Services Director (for permitted agritourism uses) or the Planning Commission (for conditionally permitted uses). All required parking and motor vehicle maneuvering areas shall be located on the same or contiguous parcel(s) of land under the same ownership or leasehold as the use the parking is intended to serve. Parking areas shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.164, Article III (Property Development Standards), except Section 18.164.310 may be waived or modified by the Development Services Director or Planning Commission.
      2.   Signs related to agritourism uses shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Redlands Sign Regulations (RMC Chapter 15.36, Section 15.36.390).
      3.   On parcels with a minimum of ten (10) contiguous acres or more in size, all agritourism elements should be clustered and shall consume no more than one (1) gross acre in aggregate per every ten contiguous acres of site area (excludes hayrides or trains with rubberized wheels). Parking is excluded from the acreage calculation.
      4.   On parcels less than ten (10) contiguous acres in size, all agritourism elements should be clustered and shall consume no more than ten percent (10%) in aggregate of the gross site acreage (excludes hayrides or trains with rubberized wheels). Parking is excluded from the acreage calculation.
      5.   All agritourism facilities, structures, uses and activities shall be located and conducted at least three hundred feet (300') from any residential zone, church, school, park or hospital, as measured to the nearest property line of the adjacent use. Parking is excluded from the separation requirement.
      6.   If non-agricultural development is to occur, it shall minimize its impacts on natural areas and on nearby farming and agricultural operations. Natural land forms shall be preserved as much as practicable, and any grading or cut/fill activity shall be minimized for roads, driveways, and site grading.
      7.   Development and new structures shall include high quality of architectural design and site planning utilizing design themes that blend structures into the rural open space character of the area. Natural exterior treatment materials such as wood, stone, brick, and stucco are permitted. Roof materials shall be fire-resistant and may include metal roofing. Structures with predominantly metal siding, or other structures or objects not originally designed as occupiable structures (such as utilizing corrugated metal or shipping containers), are prohibited. These design standards shall not be applicable to any structures utilized solely and exclusively for farm operations, maintenance, farm-related equipment or vehicles.
      8.   Development and structures shall comply with all applicable provisions of the California Building Code (including ADA accessibility by the public), Redlands Municipal Code Title 15 (Buildings and Construction), California Fire Code, City of Redlands Local Agency Management Program for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, and any applicable development regulations of other agencies (e.g., Regional Water Quality Control Board).
      9.   Outdoor Lighting Standards For Agritourism Uses:
         a.   Lighting and glare overspill shall be contained on-site and shall not exceed one-half (0.5) foot-candle as measured at the property line.
         b.   All outdoor fixtures shall be fully shielded, installed, and maintained in such a manner that shielding does not permit excessive light trespass.
         c.   All outdoor lighting shall be extinguished by eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M., close of business, or when people are no longer present in exterior areas, whichever is later, except for the following:
            (1)   Lighting used for entry or exit points of a structure, parking areas, driveways, and driveway ingress/egress points; or
            (2)   Lighting activated by motion sensor that extinguishes no later than five (5) minutes after activation.
         d.   Blinking, flashing, or high-intensity lighting that causes light trespass are prohibited.
      10.   Noise control shall be subject to the Noise Ordinance (Redlands Municipal Code Chapter 8.06) and the exterior noise standards for residential uses.
      11.   Property owners and operators shall comply with all applicable regulations and permitting requirements of other agencies (e.g., San Bernardino County Health Department, South Coast Air Quality Management District, California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of Agriculture, etc.).
      12.   Additional conditions of approval that may be attached to a land use approval to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare. (Ord. 2961, 2024)