A.   Estimation: If the amount of the license tax to be paid by the applicant is based upon the gross receipts, he shall estimate the gross receipts for the current calendar year, all or part of which is to be covered by the license to be issued.
   B.   Use Of Estimate: Such estimate, if accepted by the city's finance director, or the director's designee as reasonable, shall be used in determining the amount of license tax to be paid by the applicant.
   C.   Tentative Tax: The amount of the license tax so determined shall be tentative only.
   D.   Statement Of Actual Receipts; Final Computation: Such person shall, within twenty (20) days after the expiration of his first licensed calendar year, furnish the city's finance director, or the director's designee with a statement made and signed under the penalties of perjury, upon a form furnished by the city's finance director, or the director's designee, showing the gross receipts during the period of such license; and the license tax for such period shall be finally ascertained and paid in the manner provided by this chapter and chapter 5.08 of this title for the ascertaining and paying of renewal license taxes for other business, after deducting from the payment found to be due, the amount paid at the time such first license was issued. (Ord. 2684 § 3, 2007: prior code §§ 2142–2142.3)