For the purposes of measure N, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
AGRICULTURAL LAND(S), AGRICULTURE OR AGRICULTURAL USE: All lands designated as urban reserve (agricultural) in the Redlands general plan and/or zoning ordinance as of the effective date of measure N, and all parcels of land in active agricultural production as of the effective date of measure N or within one year prior thereto.
DWELLING AND DWELLING UNITS: Any single-family residence, apartment or dwelling unit or dwelling unit in a multi-unit structure, or mobilehome.
EFFECTIVE DATE: The date on which the initiative measure N was adopted by the city council of the city of Redlands or the date on which it was passed by the voters at the polls, whichever occurs first.
MEASURE R: The citizens' initiative labeled "Ballot Measure R" adopted by the voters of the city of Redlands on November 7, 1978, the full text of which is contained in the petition from which this section derives.
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: The sphere of influence for the city of Redlands as adopted and amended from time to time by the local agency formation commission (LAFCO). (§ 3 of measure N, passed by voters 11-3-1987)