To be eligible for a density bonus and other incentives or concessions as provided by this chapter, a proposed residential development project shall:
A. Consist of five (5) or more dwelling units; and
B. Provide for the construction of one or more of the following within the development:
1. Ten percent (10%) of the total units of a housing development for lower income households, as defined in Health And Safety Code section 50079.5; or
2. Five percent (5%) of the total units of a housing development for very low income households, as defined in Health And Safety Code section 50105; or
3. A senior citizen housing development as defined in Civil Code sections 51.3 and 51.12; or
4. Ten percent (10%) of the total dwelling units in a condominium project or in a planned development as defined in Civil Code subsection 1351(f) and (k), respectively, for persons and families of moderate income, as defined in Health And Safety Code section 50093. (Ord. 2762, 2012)