A.   The planning commission shall have the authority, subject to the procedures set forth in this title, to grant variances from any property development standard of this title when it is found that the strict and literal interpretation of such provisions would deny a use of property consistent with the intent and purpose of this title and the general plan. In instances when a variance is processed concurrently with other land use entitlements requiring action by the city council, the planning commission shall make a recommendation to the city council.
   B.   The commission, before it may grant a variance, shall make a finding that, in the evidence presented, all of the following conditions exist in reference to the property being considered:
      1.   That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to other properties or uses in the same vicinity and zone;
      2.   That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone district, but which is denied to the property in question;
      3.   That the granting of such variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements of others in the vicinity;
      4.   That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the general plan of the city of Redlands. (Ord. 2503 § 2, 2003: Ord. 1000 § 50.20, 1955)