A.   Administratively Approved Uses: The following uses may be approved or conditionally approved by the community development director after conducting an administrative review:
      1.   Installation of an antenna on an existing structure other than a tower (such as a building, sign, light pole, water tower or other freestanding nonresidential structure) which does not add height to the existing structure and utilizes stealth treatment;
      2.   Installation of an antenna on an existing tower of any height, including support facilities, in commercial and industrial zones provided the antenna does not increase the height of the tower;
      3.   Installation of an antenna with bases of attachment on a building in a nonresidential zone which is located within the middle one-third (1/3) of the roof of the building, and completely screened from the view of adjoining properties and public right of way.
   B.   Applications: Applications for administrative approval shall be made to the community development director, and shall contain the information set forth in subsection 18.178.090B of this chapter.
      1.   The community development director shall respond to each such application within thirty (30) business days, after determining that the application is complete, by either approving or denying the application. If the community development department fails to respond to the applicant within said thirty (30) business days, then the application shall be deemed to be approved.
   C.   Design Standards For Administratively Approved Uses: The following design standards shall apply to administratively approved uses:
      1.   No portion of any wireless service facility shall extend beyond the property lines, or into any front yard of any lot or side yard on the street side of a corner lot;
      2.   Guywires shall not be anchored within any front yard of any lot or within any side yard on the street side of a corner lot. (Ord. 2433 § 1, 2000)