A.   The installation of solar energy systems shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts.
   B.   Flat type absorber style solar energy systems may be mounted at any location of a roof when mounted parallel with the roof surface and the entire unit is within twelve inches (12") of the roof surface. However, nonflat plate absorber type solar energy systems (i.e., coiled tubing, parabolic reflectors, tank type absorber units, and other type units), flat plate absorber style units not parallel and within twelve inches (12") of the roof surface, or absorber units mounted on racks shall be mounted only on the rear portions of the roof below the peak line, and when possible located where least visible from a public street.
   C.   Whenever possible, the piping to and from solar energy systems should be hidden from view. When this is not possible, the piping should be run in the most direct manner, so that the least amount of piping is exposed. The exposed piping should then be painted to match the material over which it is run.
   D.   Any type of solar energy system may be placed on flat roofs (slopes less than 2 vertical to 12 horizontal), provided the solar energy system is so located that it is not visible from any point six feet (6') above a street or sidewalk, or is screened from view by a parapet wall or screening that is architecturally compatible with the balance of the structure. (Ord. 2813, 2015)