Nothing in this title shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off street parking or loading facilities in excess of those required by this title, provided that all regulations herein governing the location, design and operation of such facilities are adhered to. (Ord. 1000 § 40.10(C), 1955)
At the time a building permit is requested for any building or structure, or at the time a new use of land which would require off street parking is established, a plot plan shall be submitted to the planning department for approval or reference to the planning commission for approval whenever required. (Ord. 1000 § 40.10(D), 1955)
A. Before any parcel of land is paved with asphaltic concrete or other surfacing material, a permit shall be obtained from the building and safety department.
B. No building shall be occupied and no final inspection shall be given by the building and safety department until off street parking spaces are provided in accordance with the provisions of this section. (Ord. 1000 § 40.10(E), 1955)
The required off street parking facilities shall be a continuing obligation of the property owner so long as the use requiring vehicle parking facilities continues. It shall be unlawful for an owner of any building or use to discontinue or dispense with the required vehicle parking facilities without providing other vehicle parking facilities which meet the requirements of this title. (Ord. 1000 § 40.10(G), 1955)