A. Family Daycare Homes:
1. All family daycare homes shall secure and maintain a valid license from the state of California, department of social services.
2. All family daycare homes shall notify the police department of the clientele and capacity for which they are licensed for the purpose of registering the information on the city's emergency response system.
B. Large Family Daycare Homes:
1. No structural changes are permitted which will alter the character of the residential neighborhood, with the possible exception of a wheelchair ramp and rails in the case of an adult care facility. No signs shall be permitted.
2. Each site shall provide a minimum of one on site parking space per employee or adult supervisor in addition to the required residential parking requirements. A driveway area may be accepted if it does not interfere with the provision of a safe client drop off/pick up or encroach on a public sidewalk.
3. Safe client drop off/pick up shall be provided. Sites taking access from a major or secondary arterial street must provide circulation that does not back onto the street. The city may also require this for sites taking access from a collector street or other hazardous street.
4. In the case of a daycare home for adults, a usable outdoor recreation area shall be provided behind the front yard setback with a minimum dimension of fifteen feet (15') and at least seventy five (75) square feet per client. In the case of a large family daycare home for children, a rear yard open space shall be provided in accordance with subsections 18.152.070G1 and G3 of this title.
5. Large family daycare homes shall not be located within three hundred feet (300') of any two (2) existing daycare centers or large family daycare homes unless special circumstances are shown whereby the area will not be adversely impacted by noise, traffic or any other harm to the general welfare.
6. The provider shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Fire Department and the State Fire Marshal regarding health and safety requirements. These requirements shall include, but are not limited to, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and qualified adult supervision at all times. An annual inspection by the Fire Department is required.
7. The required findings listed in section 18.192.060 of this title are applicable to large family daycare homes.
8. The Community Development Administrator or commission may impose conditions of approval necessary to mitigate noise, traffic or parking generated by the proposed use.
9. Large family daycare home permits shall be unique to other conditional use permits in that off site improvements and development impact fees shall not be required in excess of that of the principal residential use unless the City Engineer or Utilities Director finds that there is a specific health or safety need created or worsened by the proposed use. (Ord. 2094 § 2, 1989)