As used in this article:
DAYCARE CLIENT: A child or adult who is receiving care and supervision in a family daycare home or daycare center.
LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE HOME: A home which serves as the provider's principal place of residence and which incidentally provides nonmedical care, protection and supervision of:
A. Nine (9) to fourteen (14) children under the age of eighteen (18) (including those children of the provider or other staff members under the age of 10 who are present); or
B. Seven (7) to twelve (12) adults in need of and actually receiving care.
PROVIDER: A person who operates a family daycare home.
SMALL FAMILY DAYCARE HOME: A home which serves as the provider's principal place of residence and which incidentally provides nonmedical care, protection and supervision of:
A. Eight (8) or fewer children (including those children of the provider and other staff members under the age of 10 who are present); or
B. Six (6) or fewer adults in need of care and supervision, including residents. (Ord. 2333 § 41, 1997: Ord. 2094 § 2, 1989)