Application shall be in the form of a conditional use permit. The applicant must be the owner, as demonstrated by a grant deed, the lessee pursuant to a lease with a term of at least twenty five (25) years, or the purchaser pursuant to a land sale contract. These additional requirements shall be imposed:
   A.   The structure shall serve as the primary residence of the owner unless the owner is a nonprofit corporation. An exception may be granted for nonprofit entities that qualify for tax exempt status pursuant to federal or state law.
   B.   The historic and scenic preservation commission shall review the proposal for a determination of special historical, architectural or cultural significance prior to planning commission review, and their recommendations shall be considered by the planning commission in imposing conditions on the project. The structure shall be included on the city's Register of Historic and Scenic Properties or a state or national listing of historical significance, during the life of the permit.
   C.   If the use at any time becomes objectionable to the neighborhood due to noise, odors, lights, traffic, on street parking, nighttime activities, or any other nuisances, the application may be revoked pursuant to chapter 18.192 of this title.
   D.   The permit is granted solely to the applicant. If control of the property is transferred to another party, a new permit shall be required.
   E.   The projected volume of traffic to be generated by the activity, as compared to normal traffic expected with full development of the site in accordance with the zone classification, shall be utilized as a guide in determining the number, size, frequency and hours of activities to be permitted. For other than home tours, art galleries and museums, the number of activity days in the multiple-family residential zones shall not exceed four (4) in any calendar month, and in the single- family zones shall not exceed two (2) in any calendar month, except upon special approval by the planning commission for good cause shown.
   F.   Permits shall be subject to a one year review period by the planning commission after the first year of operation.
   G.   All proceeds derived from the adaptive reuse of a historic home shall be used exclusively for the physical preservation and restoration of this structure, and to defray the reasonable costs of administering activities authorized by the permit. (Ord. 1906 § 1, 1986: Ord. 1000 § 52.10(J)(1), 1955)