In addition to the requirements of title 17, "Subdivisions", of this code tentative maps and development plans shall include:
A. A topographic map of the existing terrain utilizing a scale no smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), and five foot (5') contour intervals depicting the following cross slope categories: zero to fifteen percent (15%), fifteen (15) to thirty percent (30%) and greater than thirty percent (30%). The topographic map shall be prepared by the city or by private consultants pursuant to contract with the city. The person or entity proposing to carry out the project shall bear all costs incurred by the city in preparing the topographic map. Exception: Depiction of cross slope categories is not required when all of the proposed lots have ten (10) or more acres.
B. A soils map showing all soil series as determined by the soil conservation service.
C. The average cross slope and individual cross slope categories of the project site analysis shall be certified by a registered civil engineer.
D. A building site slope analysis and a slope plan, similarly certified.
E. For project sites with an average cross slope of less than fifteen percent (15%), but with portions that are fifteen percent (15%) or greater, the following shall be noted on the development plan:
Lots (list which lots), may be subject to the HD District as determined by review of a building site slope analysis by the Department of Community Development and any development to be placed thereon shall be shown to conform to the requirements of the HD District prior to the issuance of any building permits.
F. For project sites with an average cross slope of fifteen percent (15%) or greater, the following shall be noted on the development plan:
This project is subject to the Hillside Development District and any development to be placed thereon shall be shown to conform to the requirements of the HD District prior to the issuance of any building permits.
G. The final map shall indicate for each lot affected by this chapter a building envelope, dimensioned in a surveyable manner. Each building envelope shall be consistent with the approved slope plan for the development. (Ord. 2687 § 1, 2008)