A. Maximum dwelling unit density on portions of land parcels with a cross slope of fifteen (15) to thirty percent (30%) shall not exceed one dwelling unit per two and one-half (21/2) acres. Note: In the A-1 zone these densities shall be used for the purpose of combining under subsection D of this section, however, the total number of lots shall not exceed the number permitted by the A-1 zoning standards.
B. Maximum dwelling unit density on portions of land parcels with a cross slope exceeding thirty percent (30%) shall not exceed one dwelling unit per ten (10) acres unless the following conditions are met:
1. The building envelope is not located within the Saugus sandy loam soil series as mapped by the soil conservation service, or by site specific studies reviewed by the U.S. soil conservation service.
2. The maximum dwelling unit density does not exceed standards of the following table:
Average Cross Slope (Percent) | Minimum Area Per Dwelling Unit (Acres) |
Average Cross Slope (Percent) | Minimum Area Per Dwelling Unit (Acres) |
Greater than 30 | 5.0 |
32 | 5.5 |
33 | 6.0 |
34 | 6.5 |
35 | 7.0 |
36 | 7.5 |
37 | 8.0 |
38 | 8.5 |
39 | 9.0 |
40 and greater | 10.0 |
C. Maximum dwelling unit density on portions of land parcels with a cross slope of less than fifteen percent (15%) shall be as determined by the general plan and zoning standards. In the A-1 zone, a density of one dwelling unit per two and one-half (21/2) acres shall apply. Note: In the A-1 zone these densities shall be used for the purpose of combining under subsection D of this section; however, the total number of lots shall not exceed the number permitted by the A-1 zoning standards.
D. Permitted densities may be combined within any land parcel, so long as the number of dwelling units to be placed on a parcel does not exceed the sum of the units permitted in each slope category area of the parcel. Units may be transferred from greater slope categories to lesser slope categories. However, when a proposed subdivision results in a density transfer within a site, the entire parcel shall be subject to review as a planned residential development; minor subdivisions may substitute a conservation easement to protect open space and the natural environment over the portions of the parcel that have slopes greater than thirty percent (30%) and integral contiguous areas. Such conservation easement shall preclude these areas from contributing toward density transfers for any future subdivisions.
E. Fractions of units in different slope categories shall be dropped and may not be added together in order to obtain additional whole units. Exception: One additional lot may be obtained in minor subdivisions (4 lots or less) by adding fractions of units calculated in various slope categories. When this exception is used, the resulting subdivision shall provide accessible homesites on the flatter portion of the property with a minimum amount of grading. (Ord. 2687 § 1, 2008)