18.138.040: DEFINITIONS:
Certain terms used in this chapter shall be defined for purposes of this chapter only, as follows:
   AVERAGE CROSS SLOPE: The method of determining natural cross slope of land by using the following equation:
I x L x 0.0023
Contour interval in feet.
Combined length in feet of contour lines measured on the project site.
A constant which converts square feet into acres and expresses slope in percent.
Project site area in acres.
   BUILDING ENVELOPE: The area to be occupied by any structure and associated development.
   BUILDING SITE SLOPE: The average natural slope of the area designated as the building envelope measured at right angles to the natural contours along a line passing through the center of the building envelope; such line shall terminate at the opposite edges of the proposed building, or at the opposite edges of the proposed cut or fill, whichever distance is greater.
   DEVELOPMENT: Any alteration of the natural or existing configuration of the earth's surface or vegetative cover creating residential and accessory facilities, including any and all utility services and circulation areas, such as streets, private roads, parking areas or driveways. An alteration of or any addition to a structure or circulation area which existed prior to December 11, 1987, and does not exceed either one thousand (1,000) square feet or twenty five percent (25%) of the area covered by the existing structure, whichever is greater, shall not be considered "development".
   DIVIDE: To separate into two (2) or more land parcels.
   EXPOSED SLOPE: All the face of a cut or fill, from the toe to the top, whether the surface is retaining walls, riprap, natural vegetation or other materials.
   LAND PARCEL: An area of land with boundaries recorded in the San Bernardino County recorder's office.
   PROJECT SITE: An area consisting of one or more land parcels that is planned, reviewed and developed as a unified project.
   SLOPE PLAN: A plan for development, clearly depicting all proposed grading including the location, extent and treatment of all exposed slopes. (Ord. 2687 § 1, 2008)